The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Nancy had slowly dragged herself up the many steps which led to the Astronomy Tower which once used to be their "Common Room". Upon arriving at the top and quickly striding over to where the Astronomy Lesson was going to be held the 14 year old stopped for a moment to take in the recently changed observatory. It looked so different, and not only did it not look like it used to during its "Common Room"-use but it also did not look the way it used to before the whole flooding incident. Now, it looked more like, yes, more like a lab or something. With all those thingies on each desk...
Nancy finally entered the observatory completely, a rather confused look plastered across her face, and as usual opened her mouth to greet Professor Forrester. This time, though, no sound came out as it almost immediately closed again, her lips now forming an understanding, though silent, "Oh" as she read through the instructions on the board behind the professor. A small smile crept across her lips as instead gave the professor a cheerful nod while walking up to a free desk to start this experiment, or whatever it was. This was definitely going to be interesting...
Narrowing her eyes as she read through the first few instructions carefully Nancy quickly searched for the first things she would be needing to start the assignment. Garbage bag...garbage bag... Ah! There they were! Right at that moment as she was reaching for one of the garbage bags and the mixing bowl Nancy's eyes fell on something which looked like somekind of glasses. Upon closer examinations she recognized the thing as goggles, something to protect one's eyes against...something. Even though, she was not completely sure whether they were supposed to wear them she carefully put them over her eyes nonetheless, now looking more like somekind of crazy scientist than a normal 14 year old Slytherin student. Niiice...
Now back to work. Cut open one garbage bag and use it to line your mixing bowl. Weelll, technically they weren't allowed to talk so she wouldn't be able to cast Diffindo on one of the garbage bags, would she? Should she just rip parts of the bag? Or was she allowed to cast the spell nonetheless? With a rather unsure glance towards Professor Forrester Nancy pointed her wand at one of the garbage bags in front of her and quietly muttered, "Diffindo". As she carefully cut the garbage bag until she was able to properly line her mixing bowl with it she kept on glancing at the professor to see a reaction to her "breaking" the no-talking-rule.
After having poured the two cups of water into her mixing bowl Nancy looked back up to read the next few lines of the instructions for this experiment. Add sand or dirt, stirring well. Ew! Okay, she was so not going to touch that dirt on her table with her bare hands, and especially not that ammonia-thingy. She therefore quickly put on her gloves already before grabbing the wooden spoon with her left hand and the dirt with her right, and as she slowly added the dirt her left hand holding the spoon did circle-like movements to stir the water plus the dirt in it. It continued to do that as she first added the ammonia, and then the organic material lying on her desk. Round, and round, and round, and round...
Her left arm was slowly getting rather numb and her eyes were already half-closed due to the boring, monotone movement until all of a sudden the opened again with a start as Nancy heard a quiet Splash!. Oops... Now there was a tiny little puddle next to her feet where she'd accidently splashed a bit of her water with the wooden spoon. Hopefully Professor Forrester wouldn't say anything...the floor wasn't even wet. Much. Cough... Now, put the mixing bowl aside to work with the dry ice next. Giving Mariel who had taken a seat beside hers a small shrug Nancy decided to just leave the little puddle on the floor and continue with the experiment. One garbage bag, two garbage bags, three garbage bags. Nancy now placed the rest of the garbage bags inside each other before grabbing the ice chest containing the dry ice and putting its contents into her three-layered garbage bag. Now to the best part of the experiment: The crushing of the ice! Yaaayy!! A smirk made its way onto her lips as Nancy reached out for the HAMMER! This was going to be just great. Hehe... Bang! Bang! Bang! Nancy beat the ice as hardly as she could, her smirk growing broader and broader at every impact the hammer made with the wrapped dry ice. It felt sooooo good to just get rid of all the frustration and annoyance that had been building up inside her. A quick glance at her Ravenclaw friend made the corner of her lips curl up even further forming an even broader smirk, as, judging by the look on Mariel's face and the force with which she as well beat the dry ice, she had just as much fun with this task as she did. Bang! Bang! Bang!
It was only then that Nancy actually moved her eyes to the thing she was currently beating which now looked more like white-ish wet crumbles of something. Well, that was what it was supposed to look like after the crush dry ice-part, right? Maybe it wasn't supposed to be that pulverized but whatever...Next step was to add it to the rest inside her mixing bowl and then...No! start stirring again... One thousand four hundred thirty six... One thousand four hundred thirty seven...
At least it felt like that when Nancy finally with an exasperated sigh dropped the wooden spoon onto the table and started rubbing her wrist which had got quite numb due to all that stirring. Ouch! Well, at least the mixture was now completely frozen like it was supposed to. Now to the next part of the instructions: Use gloves Well, she was wearing those already. Lift the comet out of the bowl using the plastic bag and shape it as you would a snowball. Oh,, that was nice. She was rather good at shaping snowballs, and no there was no specific reason for that. Cough... Grabbing a plastic bag with her left hand, as the right one was still pretty numb, Nancy carefully took her mixed thingy out of the mixing bowl and started forming a round ball-like shape.
As soon as she was more or less content with the shape of her "comet" the 14 year old waited for a few moments until she was sure that it was sufficiently frozen and would not just fall apart again. With a look of pure excitement plastered across her face Nancy now very slowly unwrapped the comet and, as she had no hands free for doing it, moved the paper plate with her elbow towards her so she was able to place her new "comet" onto it. Nancy grinned broadly as she nudged Mariel softly, nodding towards both her and her friend's finished work. They'd done really well in Nancy's opinion.
Last edited by Mistress Vondella; 06-19-2009 at 09:27 PM.