Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher
Chris Potter was sitting in the lab in the Astronomy Tower and was looking down at all the equipment and items in front of him. He looked toward the board and read the directions two times to be sure he understood all rules and safetly precautions before he began. 'This is going to be fun.' he thought to himself.
First things first, Chris grabbed the goggles and placed them over his eyes. He didnt want anything to get in them while he worked. Next he put on the durable work gloves. Now he could begin.
Chris grabbed the large mixing bowl and brought it to the center of the table in front of him. He then took a a trash bag and cut it open and placed it as a lining for the bowl. Looking up at the board for the next step, he took the two cups of water and then poured them into the garbage bag-lined bowl. Chris then took the spoon on the table and measured out two spoonfuls of the sand from its little container, and dropped it in the mixing bowl. He then stirred it for a minute or so.
Next Chris did a dash of Ammonia and a dash of the organinc material, a dark brown syrup of some sort. And he sturred the concoction again. After he was finished stirring Chris moved the mixing bowl full of ingrediants to the side and opened up the Ice Chest full of dry ice. He then placed the dry ice in the three garbage bags that were placed inside each other with his gloved hands.
Chris then put the many layered garbage bag of dry ice on the table and picked up the hammer. 'Im going to enjoy this.' he thought with a smile.
"BANG, BANG, BANG!" the sounds of the hammer on the ice were pretty loud.
After chris hand finished breaking the ice. (Which was quite therapeutic and help him calm his nerves a bit.) He carefully opened the bag and dumped the crushed dry ice into the mixing bowl, and began to stir quickly. it was a lot harder to stir now with ice in it. He stirred it vigorously until the strange mixture had became almost frozen solid.
Chris then lifted the 'comet' out of the bowl with a plastic bag. He placed it on the table with some paper towels and the plastic bag so he would make a mess and began to shape it into a ball. After he had worked it into its shape and it was now competely solid and firm into it's shape Chris unwrapped it and placed it on a paper plate. He was finished.
He then cleaned up the area, wiping the table top with the paper towels and organized the items back to the way they were when he got there. He placed his finished Comet in the middle of the clean table for the Professor to see.