Kazimeriz raised an eyebrow. In another context, he might have actually respected the boy for showing some backbone. Now, however, he was merely showing an inability to understand that there was a time and a place for such things... which is what got the boy into detention in the first place.
Kazimeriz leaned down, glowering at the young boy.
"Since you want to do things your 'own way', now... I shall not deny you the pleasure." He vanished the spellbook.
"Every owl pellet in this pile--" He gestured to a pile taller than Theo and three times as wide--
"shall be dissected properly and sorted before I return. I am certain you will succeed without guidance from anyone, doing it 'your way'." He scoffed.
"Also... you seem unable to understand the fundamentals of what is appropriate, and when, Newtington. It seems your mouth is the only part of you that likes to be smart. But you will not speak to a professor like that ever again." Kazimeriz drew his wand, casting a silent hothead hex.
"I have cast an anti-impudence hex on you, boy. Until it is undone, if you speak sharply to any authority figure again you will feel as though your entire head is on fire until you are contrite and penitent. Good day, Newtington."
Kazimeriz swept out of the room, leaving Theo alone with no book, only the desk, the chair, a bucket, a tray and a whooooole lotta owl puke.
ooc: Jenster gave permission to cast on her charrie. Just FYI.