Daniel entered the Observatory and looked around. Yes, he is the first person in... He then proceeded towards the front and sat at the table near the Professor's. He would have said
Good day Professor but there is a large note on the board that says,
No talking!. So he just smiled and waved at the Professor and sat readily.
He then looked at the ingredients in front of him.
Originally Posted by items on the table
2 cups water
2 cups dry ice
2 spoonfuls of sand or dirt
a dash of ammonia
a dash of organic material - dark corn syrup (or Coke if you want to do this at home)
an ice chest (keep the dry ice in)
a large mixing bowl
work gloves
4 medium - sized plastic garbage bags
a hammer (break up the dry ice)
a wooden spoon
paper towels
paper plate
Daniel sighed and pulled a pair of gloves from his back pack. It is laboratory after all. He put it on him. He doesn't want to get scalded or anything, because he saw dry ice on the ingredients.
He then raised his hands,
"Professor? Can I start now or should we still wait for the others?" he said. He was excited to start. After all, it is the first time he would do experiments.
Daniel nodded at what the Professor said. So, after placing the gloves on. He then slipped a goggle on to for further protection. He then looked at the instructions on the board.
1. Cut open one garbage bag and use it to line your mixing bowl.
2. Place water in mixing bowl.
3. Add sand or dirt, stirring well.
4. Add dash of ammonia.
5. Add dash of organic material stirring until well mixed.
6. Place dry ice in 3 garbage bags that have been place inside each other.
Be sure to wear gloves while handling dry ice to keep from being burned. - If I find someone NOT using the work gloves, they will immediately lose 15 House Points and be put into detention. Even if they burn themselves by not using the gloves, punishment will STILL be given.
1. 7. Crush dry ice by pounding it with a hammer.
2. 8. Add the dry ice to the rest of the ingredients in the mixing bowl while stirring vigorously.
3. 9. Continue stirring until mixture is almost totally frozen.
4. 10. Use gloves - Lift the comet out of the bowl using the plastic bag and shape it as you would a snowball.
5. 11. Unwrap the comet as soon as it is frozen sufficiently to hold its shape.
6. 12. Place the comet on a paper plate.
He grabbed a mixing bowl and a garbage bag. Then with the help of a scissors he cuts the end and side of it to line it in his mixing bowl. He then filled the bowl with water and added some sand on then he stirred it for about a minute or so, or at least to his contentment.
He then added a dash of ammonia and a dash of organic material and then continued to stir until he thinks that the ingredients are well mixed.
Then with 3 garbage bags ready and his proper attire in place, that is his gloves, he puts dry ice on the garbage bags that he had prepared and grabbed his hammer.
Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang
Daniel hammered the dry ice until he felt no lumps or large pieces. When he had satisfied his craving for hammering he took out the crushed dry ice and mixed it with the sand-ammonia-organic material-water mixture he had mixed earlier.
He then stirred and stirred until his arms can't almost stir the material.
This must mean that I must start shaping my comet. He looked and saw that it was almost frozen. So Daniel lifts it up and shapes it like a snowball, as per instruction. Daniel was a good snow ball maker. After all, where he lived as a child, snow was like everywhere.
He grabbed the almost frozen materials and mold then gently until it totally froze. He then unwraps it from the plastic bag and placed it in a paper plate.
Daniel stands back and looked at his creation. And he smiled for he thinks it is good.