The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas. William frowned, wanting to stick his tongue out at the girl but stopping himself. Instead he crossed his arms and gazed at Mr. Masterson. "Um, why are you dropping fish into the water? The fishies has feelings you know." he said tilting his head at the man. Before he could say anything else the Gryffindor prefect wandered up to them and he slinked back a bit.
He turned his attention to the Huffie again and said, "I am not cute nor am I small. Okay I'm very short for my age, but I make up for it in other ways." he puffed out his chest and was about to grin before he sneezed. "Excuse me." He blushed. Well there goes his big boy persona he thought.
__________________ Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!! |