too lazy to quote :P The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas. Wandering was the Cullack way of life, or so his mother had told him. Something about getting completely lost in yourself as you walked long distances, forgetting what was going on around you was supposed to be relaxing. He know knew what his mother had really meant; it was a good way of finding out what in the world was interesting. Seriously, the grounds were beginning to bore him now, the same old lake, the same old fighting tree, the same old...
What did we have here? surely he never knew about this place or else he would have stayed away from it. What appeared to be a small cliff hung out over the lake, but William wasn't about to find out how far over. Stopping in his tracks, the straw hanging from his lips in shock he stood there like a deer in the headlights amazed and oddly curious.
"Cool..." he muttered, as he shook his head and went to take a few more steps. that was when he noticed an older looking student, possibly Hufflepuff by the looks of her robes. Walking up to stand beside her, he finally noticed the groundskeeper man and nodded politely to him before tilting his head at the older girl and her friend. "Hello!" he said cheerfully, moving the straw from one corner of his mouth to the other.
__________________ Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!! |