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Hogwarts RPG Name: Mozart Bronwyn #ee6600 Gryffindor Sixth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Maebry Grimaldi #ff8d6d First Year
x7 x5
| ∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
so tammy and her best friend eva were just talking about the flood and tammy was talking to her fishie norris. and it all erupted. bear in mind some posts from Vanessa Corbette missing.
I LOVE NORRIS. SPOILER!!: Tammy + Rachel (leprefect)'s argument over water... ITS LONG Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie Can't revise - noisy common room - stupid first years - invent spell to make them shut up - illegal - stupid laws - fetch Jake - calm, Rachel - OUT! Rachel fumed as she grabbed her books and supplies and practically burst out of the Ravenclaw tower, intending on finding a place that she could work with no one interrupting her. Seriously, why couldn't people just understand that SOME of them needed to study every spare moment since their WHOLE future would be shaped in just over half a year when OWLs came around! And really, how is it possible to be THAT loud? I mean - come ON, SIX year olds weren't that that rowdy!
Robes billowing behind her, the Prefect walked down to the lake in complete and utter silence - every step making her calmer, which was lucky since if anyone would annoy her now she would be capable of hexing them into next week - Prefect or not. Aha! Nice place to relax and read up on last year's Astronomy work! she thought to herself with a smile as she spotted an area not too far from where she was standing and swiftly changed her course and made a beeline for it.
Sitting down, she made herself comfortable and was about to take out her Astronomy book from her bag when she noticed two Hufflepuff girls talking about a meter from where she was sitting. Great - now what? Leave and look rude or stay and chat? "He- Hello," Rachel said with a smile, careful not to let her annoyance show in her voice or expression. After all, it wasn't their fault first years couldn't keep their talkative mouths shut for two seconds... And Rachel was a nice person - a person who wasn't mad at innocent people, right? Right. Quote:
Originally Posted by midget ♥ Tammy was silent as she heard the wind pick up more leaves and rustled them. But what was even more beautiful was the ripples over the surface of the lake. "Look, a likkle fishieeee." Tammy squealed. Ever the immature one of the pair she was. "It was real cute. Honest." She revealed to her best friend as she leant forward and trickled her fingers over the top of the water and felt the scales of the often never ever seen fishie run along her fingers.
As far as she was concerned the girls were alone with the fishiee. "Im calling it Norris." She smiled softly as the breeze picked up her hair and blew it into her face. But by the time she had brushed it out of her face another girl was sitting a tiddly bit further up. Tammy didnt know her but by the big prefect badge on her robes she took it as she was going to be a pompus prat really, like many prefects. Mr Denton in particular. "He- Hello,"
Tammy looked at Eva and raised her eybrows mouthing the simple word, "prefect" to her and sighed. "Hi." Tammy replied in the tone of whatcha want, so pretty much it was arrogant. Ah, another badge, shes a Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw! Bugger, maybe Tammy and Eva had to share a common room with her. Ha, maybe she regretted saying it in that tone now.
After a few moments of though she realised she actually didnt regret it, that girl had interupted her time with Norris the fishie. Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie Rachel blinked. Oh - ok, well fine. I was only trying to be nice! Biting her lip slightly, she felt the social part of her brain begin to kick in - a little rustily since it hadn't been needed for a long time up until now. She placed her hands on her needs and closed her eyes briefly before replying. There would be no use in starting a shouting match; and if Rachel hadn't calmed herself, then she knew that she would begin one without a problem. Ok, what is wrong with these Hufflepuff girls?! "Erm yes, I am aware of my status," she replied icily, then bit her tongue -hard- to stop herself from saying more. Really, did they think she was blind? Or deaf? She was wasting precious studying time to engage in a verbal banter with these two girls and they weren't even grateful for it! "Sorry - yes, hi. Erm," she said, her tone forcefully a lot less icy and more welcoming. She searched with her eyes for something that she could use to start a conversation when the two gray pupils fell on the girls' shoes. "Why are your shoes wet?" she ended up saying, her mouth pursing into a small line as she studied the girl's feet. Plus, that weird fish girl's tights were also grimy... Man, out of all the girls in Hogwarts I had to stumble on the two weirdest ones? Quote:
Originally Posted by midget ♥ Wow, the prefect could lippread, she was smarter than Tammy had origionally anticipated. "Well thats good isnt it." Tammy remarked nearly matching the icy tone the girl had used. Tammy wasnt usually like this but she had interrupted the girls private chat and FISHIEEE TALK. (ha fish obsessed)
"Hi,." Tammy replied again getting more bored by the second of this conversation. The girl looked as though she was sucking a lemon and it suited her status in the school. Pompus even more with the fact she was still trying to make conversation but was getting nowhere.
Their shoes? Oh this should be fun. "Flooding. Looks like we may be forced to stay with the Ravenclaws." Tammy grimaced, she wasnt looking forward to sharing a common room, if she had to, with this pompus girl. And what if she targeted her and gave her detention. Oh gawd what was Tammy getting herself into? It was the girls fault right?
Tammy nodded, "yeah arent you?" Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie Ok, this was utterly insane. She had escaped the current madhouse known as the Ravenclaw common room only to be confronted by the most Slytherin-like Hufflepuff girls she had ever seen. Sheesh, are they made of ice or have their voices just always been this nasty? "Huh?" Rachel very wisely asked as she blinked between the two girls. Why on EARTH would she be seeing more of them two? If it was up to her, she'd go through all the rest of her time at Hogwarts without ever seeing these two again. They were seriously off their rocker if they thought she liked them...
"WHAT?! The water rose? To the KITCHEN LEVEL?!" the fifth year almost shouted as she listened to the Hufflepuff girl explain. Her eyes went wide and she sat up very straight as the information seeped into her brain - one bit at a time. Dangnabbit! "Is everyone out? Did the water rise any more than your ankles? Do Dominic and Vanessa have everything under control? How bad was it?" the questions seemed to shoot off her tongue faster than she thought about them. She shuddered slightly at the memory of the murky green water - if there was one thing she was sure of, it was the fact that she would never, EVER, feel the same way about a dark body of water ever again. "So the Hufflepuffs are going to stay with us? I mean, you are going to stay with the Ravenclaws? Are you sure? Did a teacher confirm this?" she asked, slightly put out by this piece of knowledge. Not only would she be forced to see these two dunderheads every day, but this move would mean that the common room will now house twice the amount of tiny, annoying and loud first years. GAH! Blink. Blink blink. "How is that even relevant now? And no, we do not know EVERYTHING - no one knows everything. How do you expect me to know about this when all I've been doing for the last week is my homework and going to classes. Honestly!" she said, clearly annoyed by the way this conversation was turning out. Seriously, what did I do to deserve all this?! Quote:
Originally Posted by midget ♥ "To the kitchen level." Tamzin nodded slowly just ensuring that the girl was understanding as she really didnt seem to be cottoning on to the simple word flooding. And the head surely chose the prefects because they were pretty smart right? Obviously this girl wasnt the smartest one of the bunch.
"Yeah, everyone got out. Our prefects were fine." No need to try and seem concerned now. "Very bad. No belongings left." Tammy couldnt have spelt it out easier to the girl and she was getting preety fed up of having to go through it again. Why couldnt the hufflepuffs had been first to get flooded then maybe they woudl have ended up with the gryffindors. Green water and tights didnt work well together and Tammy was preety annoyed that she didnt have anywhere to sleep or change her clothes as of that moment.
"Think so," The pair had said that. Both fo them had infact, did she really need it confirmed by then a third time? "No, not a teacher but where else are we gonna stay?" Simple rhetorical question. It didnt even need an answer but the prefect before her was obviously going to try to answer it.
"So prefects do do work?" Tammy asked in mock shock. She hadnt needed to even know what the girl had been spending her time doing. Surely prefects were meant to know more because they had their duties, btu if this girl was too busy. OOO,, maybe she didnt deserve to be prefect... Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
"Well I'm glad," Rachel said, relief evident in her voice as she heard that Dominic and Vanessa were ok, along with the rest of the house. Although WHY they didn't just leave these two in the flood was beyond Rachel...
No belongings? Now that must suck... "Well, I'm sure Hogwarts will supply you with everything you need, and you could just use spells to clean your clothes," she said, honestly trying to be nice to these two brats girls. Ok, so maybe they had gotten off on the wrong foot - but that didn't mean they had to remain like this, did it? Rachel couldn't foresee them EVER being friends, but they could be neutral.
Ok, now she was mad. She was trying to be nice and all she was getting in return was a degrading tone that clearly suggested they were beneath her. They might be older than her, but she was still miles above them because she was willing to overlook this and THEY were being CHILDISH!
She clamped her hands into tight fists by her sides to keep herself from doing something she might regret. "Dear, if a teacher hasn't comfirmed it, then ou might not be residing with the Ravenclaws. Did you forget that they put the Slytherins in the Astronomy tower first? Maybe they'll stick you in the Divination tower and clean up you common room before you guys are forced out like the Slytherins were," she said, using an excruciatingly polite voice that was intended on calming herself down.
Sure enough, the Prefect was now relaxed enough to loosen her hands but she still remained in a tense position, just in case the other girl might do something that will earn her a week in detention, if Rachel had a say about it. "Oh shut up," Rachel looked skywards and leaned back onto her bag, refusing to let herself get caught up again. If this girl was too thick to understand that the fact that she did Prefect duties wasn't worth mentioning since it was OBVIOUS! Plus, all her duties for this term (before the Holidays) had been located on the upper floors so she COULDN'T have known of any flooding. Idiotic girl - it was obvious! Quote:
Originally Posted by midget ♥ Oh, she was glad. And so was Tammy because she would really want to have pushed this girl into the lake right now and NOrris' friends could eatiee her upp. But she was being good and she ahdnt done that yet.
"Yeah spells ARE not going to replace photos and letters ARE THEY?" Tammy merely spoke from what she had been thinking the past couple of hours and no way was she meant to be letting it out. But this girl seemed to be taking it in her stride and attempting to use the 'power' she thought she had over the two sixth years.
So the prefect had a point about where they had put the slytherins first but Tammy wasnt going to even think about that. "But then where did they put the Slytehrins?" She pretended to think while inside she was hysterically laughing at herself. Who did she think she was? "Oh yeah, in with the gryffindors. AND, you wernt there miss perfect. The water was preety violent. Watch out. Might get you too." Tammy scowled once more and looked around her. Talking to a tree would be more fun than this girl. shut up.
OOOO, now it was ooon. No-one in their right mind told Tammy to shut up when she was already in a bad mood. "no." The youngster was about to say 'make me' buuut she didnt really want a detention and then she would probably have Vanessa on her case too. Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie What was wrong with this girl? "Hey! It's not MY fault your common room flooded so just let it go, all right?" she asked, fighting herself to keep a cool head. Rachel would NOT be the first to break - not now, not ever. And if this idiot was willing to continue this utterly absurd and pointless banter, then she was up for it. "Plus, I'm sure that SOME of your belongings will be rescueable - after all, we do live in a world where magic tends to be able to fix things like this. If you would take a short trip up to the library you could see for yourself," the fifth year added in a level voice, slightly annoyed at herself for adding to the nastiness. Sure, it was no where as close as what Idiot Girl was saying, but it was still pretty mean for Rachel.
Ok, now she's crossed the line. "Look here missy, I don't know wherr YOU were when the dungeons went under -probably out here, fussing about your hair or something- but I was down there, helping the professors RESCUE all the Slytherins and make sure they all made it safe and sound. In fact, I was the LAST one down there - so don't you start telling me how I don't know what it's like, ok?!" Rachel sat up straight again, her green-gray eyes alight with anger as she told the girl exactly what she thought.
"Yes, I believe I knew that! And I was merely being optimistic - if they fix up this flood problem before they have a chance to relocate the Hufflepuffs, then you WON'T move in with the Ravenclaws," she added calmly with a small smile, showing the girl that it didn't matter how much she degraded her, Rachel would always have an answer. And a bloody good one too! No? Did she just say no?! Oh, this is UNBELIEVABLE! "No? All right then - but can you at least say intelligent things? Your incomprehensible and mind-numbing chatter is giving me a headache," Rachel commented with a slight sneer, and then turned her gaze away from the girl/ WHOA! Sneer? When had Rachel Danielle Rider EVER sneered in her life?! Oh, now she REALLY didn't like this girl... And no joke, she REALLY REALLY didn't like her. Stupid Hufflepuff girl... Getting on her nerves... Good thing she was a Prefect otherwise the teachers would have been forced to send her up to the Hospital Wing in a matchbox... Grrrrr. Quote:
Originally Posted by midget ♥ "I never said it was your fault, but I wont rule it out considering youve obviously got something against hufflepuffs." Tammy raised her eyebrows as if to say, 'c'mon what else you got?'
"yeah SOME of my belongings but I would rather have ALL of them like some people." Tammy honestly would. If she had all of her pictures and letters of her mother then m aybe losing her wouldnt seem as bad. This girl was seriously annoying and Tammy couldnt stand people like her. If only she could fall into the lake and get eated upp by Norris. Man that would be real funny. missy? oh that pompus prefect so was not saying anything right she was just being a POMPUS PRAT. And Tammy was not gonna stand for being accused of being a primadonna. "Fussing with my hair? FUSSING with my hair? FUSSING WITH MY RUDDY HAIR? Oh lovey you have NO idea what I was doing and to be honest I dont think my DEAD mother and sister would mind me mourning them. SO DONT YOU DARE, accuse me of fussing about my hair and not giving a damn about what happened because my best friend, my cousin infact is a slytherin nearly got caught up. And I was still in my common room when the water got to knee level."
Tammys outburst wasnt what she expected to come from herself especually while seated. Looking down, Tammy realised she had pulled herself to her feet and was towering over the girl although she was quite small herself.
"Aw, i bet youd LOVE that. If you had no Hufflepuffs to have a go at. Wouldnt you?" Tammy sneered as she lowered herself back down into her original place next to Eva.
"But rest assured WE..." She pointed to herself and Eva. "Would mroe than likely HATE having to share space with you. So dont even start with me." Tammy cut her eyes as she clenched her fists. She wasnt up for a detention but if the girl was looking for a scrap then Tammy would give her one.
"Ohhh, the prefect does know some smart words. D'you know what they mean? Im sure fifth years arnt taught that many things." Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie Rachel's mouth flew open. "ME?! I do NOT have something against Hufflepuffs! In fact, five minutes ago I thought they were the nicest bunch of students around!" she said, unable to believe just how THICK a girl could be. Accuse HER of being biased against HUFFLEPUFFS?!?! Merlin! "If you're asking me to apologise for not having my common room flooded then I'm going to have to disappoint you - I have no intention of apologising for ANYTHING," the fifth year said calmly, her voice clear and crisp. There were very many things she was willing to take - but asking her to feel bad about having a dry common room was definitely NOT one of them.
Rachel's mouth flew open in shock for the second time in the space of two minutes, but this time for a completely different reason. Her mother and sister had died... "I'm sorry for your loss," Rachel said quietly while looking down at the ground, and it was clear that she really did mean what she was saying. "I didn't know - but I wasn't accusing you of not caring," she explained, looking back up again and blinked twice in surprise as she saw that the girl wasn't on the ground any more. "I was merely pointing out your error that I don't know what the water is like," she continued, then added in a small voice, "But you seemed to have completely ignored that part of my little speech."
Rachel sighed and got up slowly, her anger dying down completely. "Actually - if it were up to me - the Hufflepuffs could stay with us for as long as they want. Unlike what you seem to think I am, I don't enjoy -how did you put it? Ahh, have a go at- people who haven't done anything bad to me," she said calmingly, honestly tired of what was going on here. How could this girl hate me so much? We just met - and sure, it wasn't exactly a nice meeting - but still; I don't hate her. I just think she's a little annoying, and a bit thick, but that's about it.
The fifth year opened her mouth to retaliate the girl's 'smart' remark with one of her own when to her utter surprise, yet ANOTHER Hufflepuff joined their little party. Only unlike the two girls present, this particular girl was one that Rachel liked very very much. In fact, she couldn't imagine a better person to step in now more than Ms. Vanessa Corbette... i.e the Hufflepuff Prefect.
"Hey Vanessa. Yeah, everyth-" Rachel began when she was cut off by the RUDE girl who began to wind her own version of what had happened in the past ten minutes. Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me! Folding her hands across her chest, the Ravenclaw prefect listened intently with arched eyebrows as the girl twisted their conversation around to make it sound like Rachel was the one at fault.
"Finished?" she asked the girl before turning to Vanessa herself. "I know you're a Hufflepuff, but would you mind listening to what I have to say before you begin to make your judgment?" Rachel said coolly, slightly annoyed once again. Poor Vanessa though... She came over and probably expected us to tell her that everything is great and now she's going to be bombarded with this... Poor, poor innocent Vanessa. Quote:
Originally Posted by midget ♥ Tammy had just about finished when the other girl had spoke. Darn, here cam Tammys have-a-go-at-the-sixth-year moment. Maybe wishing the girl had magically flew into the pond was a bad thing ebcause two prefects may just throw her in herself. And she was afraid of deep water. There were two prefects -one a hufflepuff and one a ravenclaw- and at that moment Tammy felt like she was on her own. Eva hadnt said anything in ages.
If teh ground was to swallow her up rightt now, she would be eternally grateful. She wasnt a bad girl. Shee wass a good girl, that was merely trying to find the mature self inside her. Buuhht it hasdnt came out that way. Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
"I thought you wouldn't - but it's still nice to hear it," Rachel replied to Vanessa with a smile, then turned to look down at her shoes before glancing at the girl once again. Tamzin... Tamzin, that's her name. She paused for a second, wondering what to do. She had two very clear options here...
"Right, so," the fifth year began, making up her mind, "I came down to the lake looking for a quiet place to study when I realised I had sat down only a few meters away from Tamzin and her friend. Now, I could have left to go find another place to sit but that would have looked rude so I decided to stay.
"I greeted the two of them with a polite 'hello' and they greeted me back with the same polite tone, although I have to admit it was slightly colder but that's not the point," Rachel paused again and locked her eyes onto Tamzin's before continuing. "I asked why their shoes were wet, since I hadn't heard that the floodwater had risen to the kitchen level and their replies, in my opinion, were really uncalled for.
"I don't think I need to go into any further detail here - they made snide remarks, and I retaliated. I can't say what was going on in their heads, but I know for a fact that I was really annoyed and slightly offended. I tried to be nice, but they wouldn't have any of it," she stopped again and took in a deep breath. Remember, you are Rachel Rider - ms. Nice Girl and strict prefect... NICE girl.
Turning to look back at Vanessa, she cracked a small smile to lighten the mood. "The rest is just unpleasantness. I know, their behavior isn't really the way students are supposed to act but I do know that they don't deserve a punishment. They are tired - all their belongings are gone and any person would be snappy if put in this position."
Rachel looked down at her shoes again as she finished talking - wondering if she had done the right thing. Thing is, she had not exactly been a saint either, and if they had received a punishment then she would have felt really guilty. She met the seventh year Prefect's gaze and awaited her decision. Quote:
Originally Posted by midget ♥ Tammy could have them jumped and tackled Vanessa to the floor aswell, butt she didnt. She nodded while she spoke and actually began to feel real bad for shouting at Rachel and told ehrself that she really did need to apologise badly.
She wasnt gonna do it again and in all fairness Rachel had been icy with Eva and Tammy but she wasnt going to say anything, that would more than likely get her in more troublee AAND she didnt want that. "I understand." She mumbled, her head bowed hiding the grin that was trying to surface.
Tamzin nodded, "Friends." She reluctantly added with it.
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