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"Of course you can invite him, i would love to meet him. Level 8 you say, im suprised i havent bumped into him yet...Anyway maybe we can hire a room at the Cauldren one evening." Catlin couldnt help but begin to plan things out in her head "It could be like an engement do" She smiled then added "You let me know when you have set a date for the metting and i will be there, Of course thats if no work comes up in the mean time." She really hoped more people would turn out for this then they did the last meeting that was planned.
"Thanks" Becca smiled "Yeah, he's the department head, you wont have seen him, he stays in his office most of the time unless he's out and about with me" she nodded "Mhmm, sure, whatever you want.. I hope this time it'll work out" Becca smiled.