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Oh dear! Wesley was making Rhea sad again. She really hadn't meant to hurt her feelings about saying how frightened she was of Quidditch. She had been trying to make Rhea happy- not sad! I'm so stupid! Now Rhea's going to hate me! Why couldn't I have just lied!? But then maybe Rhea would have hated Quidditch and hated me for saying I liked it! And I can't lie! Lying is bad! Mother would be absolutely disappointed if I had lied. But making Rhea sad is bad too! What if she starts crying again? And then it will be all my fault! I'm such a bad girl; I alw-
And then Rhea started talking about her tryouts and how her broom had malfunctioned. Wesley knew what it was like to have things malfunction. It happened to her all the time. And she was positive Rhea had tried her absolute hardest! "That's okay! You tried your best! I'm sure you made the reinforcements! And if you play on the team I'll come and cheer you on! I'll go to all your games! And if you don't -whichwon'thappen- then you can sit next to me in the stands, and we can cheer together, or if you don't want to watch then we can do something else! W-we could start our own team!" Wesley said, trying to cheer her up. She wasn't sure about starting a new team. But if it would make Rhea happy, then Wesley would do it. Anyday!
Wesley had been so focused on cheering Rhea up, she hadn't even noticed the cold (which was good seeing how Wesley didn't like being wet) "Oh thank you!" Wesley exclaimed happily when Rhea dried them both off. She couldn't help but think how cool it must be to know all these nifty spells. Someday -when she was older- she might be able do neat stuff too!
"Okay!" Wesley said excitedly when Rhea offered helping her with heights and flying. It sounded scary, but it felt so good to be invited to do something... It felt so good to have a friend. Wesley had never had a friend before, so she wasn't really sure how one knew if they really had one; Mother had always kept her inside and away from other children. The tiny girl wasn't exactly sure why, just that it had something to do with "being delicate", "getting sick", and "bullies". And Rhea was so nice. She was talking to Wesley and offering to help and do stuff. So she's my friend. Right? Right.
Wesley practically beamed at her new name. No one had ever called her Wes before. Wes sounded very...grown up.
Other students seemed to be slowly coming in to the Great Hall, all cold and wet and dripping. "Do you think there is something we can do to help them? Like, maybe we could do that cool drying spell or something? Or, well, I'm not sure how to do that- but maybe I could I don't know help with something?" Wesley tilted her head, worried about all the other Hufflepuffs.
Rhea shook her head when Wes said she tried her best. The younger girl was right. She did try her best and that was all that really mattered. Wes was really helping to lift her spirits, she wondered if she knew that.
So this was what they meant by house mates being like family, now she understood and appreciated it. Now, she loved her house even more.
She smiled at Wes when she said they could watch the game together if she didn't make the team.
"That sounds like a good idea Wes. I would like that."
She was quiet for a moment until, she younger girl suggested wanting to help the other huffies who might be making their way to the great hall just as wet and cold as they had been minutes before.
"That is a good idea, but we'll offer our help when they ask for it," she said looking around.
"Unless of course you want to offer your services before they ask of it. I'm sure they would greatly appreciate it." She said placing a reassuring hand on the young hufflepuff's shoulder. Wes was like the little sister she never had.