Yuck. Peppermint - ew. Rachel nudged the little sweet away from her, her nose wrinkled in obvious dislike as she reached into her bag to take out her things. After walking into the classroom a few minutes ago and settling down in her own table, she had zoned out for a bit -it seemed to be turning into a regular occurrence, this zoning out thing- and now swiftly reached for her bag to take out her things before Professor Lupa began her lesson.
Too late for that now. Hmm, first letter? Raising her hand, she bit her lip hesitantly before shrugging a little and saying what she thought.
"Is it F, miss? Or Fehu, as the letter is properly called in the Elder Futhark terminology," the fifth year said, lowering her hand into her bag as she finished taking everything out.
Originally Posted by Notes
Ancient Runes