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Chris Potter met Professor Lupa at the entrance of the classroom. "Hello Professor I trust you had a good remainder of the summer since I saw you in the Quidditch Shop?" he asked as he walked in and took a seat in the front of the class. He picked up the little package waiting there and smiled at the Porfessor warmly.
"Hello Master Potter, I did indeed. And I hope your prefect duties are to your liking. You are doing a great job so far I hear." She said with a smile.
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Dani walked toward the Ancient Runes class, she would have walked in, but the Professor was in the doorway. "Hello." She said, stopping at the entrance and smiling brightly. She was in an abnormally good mood. She didn't know anything about runes though. Hopefully this wouldn't be too confuzing.
"Welcome little one, I hope you enjoy what you learn today..." She said smiling at her.
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Celandine was looking forward to this class, she found it challenging and interesting and so she sat right up front and centre, beaming at Professor Lupa in eagerness.
She already had her things out, quill, parchment and a stack of books.
"Miss Toussaint, very nice to see you, I trust your summer went well and you didn't break many hearts." She winked at the girl. She knew Cela would love her start of term gift.
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Monkey Princess
William gulped, was it that time already? Sighing he figured he'd better get inside before the professor grabbed him by the ears and pulled him in for the torture lesson that was to come. Seriously his brain wasn't even there right then, it was off on a sugar high, bouncing inside his head making him have a headache.
Sitting down he looked to his left and frowned. Pulling out his parchment and quill he set to work. Looking up at the professor he gave her a lop-sided smile and nodded his head, "Professor." he said in greeting, his hands on the table.
"Mr. Cullack, it's nice to see you, I am looking forward to your answers in class."
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Ahhh, Runes.
A class that would make her think. A class that would hopefully force her to focus and pay so much attention that the sixth year would just forget about a few unimportant matters that were clouding her mind.
"Professor Lupa," Greeted Willow politely with a nod that matched her tone, before taking seat next to Celandine Toussaint. Offering the girl a brief, albeit amicable smile, Willow busied herself with taking out some parchment, quill, ink and her textbook, completely oblivious of the little red box on the table.
"Miss Kovak, I trust quidditch tryouts are going well." She'd heard this girl was a good captain.
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Awesome. The coolest Ravenclaw in the entire school was sitting next to her. At least, she was,the coolest GIRL Ravenclaw.
Celandine smiled back, totally playing it cool rather than freak Willow out by being all ZOMG and stuff.
That's when she noticed the little boxes on the table. "Ohh are these for us, professor? Gee you are so nice!"
"You are very welcome."
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Ze Runes.
Fyo couldn't scream that out loud, though. He liked challenges, you know. And that included challenging subjects. But Runes just.. just..
- Made him want to crawl into a hole.
Not that it was bad or anything. Just.. Oh, forget it. He'd probably get an E in it, given how hard he worked at all of his subjects, but Fyo knew he wasn't going to fall in love with the subject anytime soon. Not the way he was in love with Arithmancy.
"Good day, professor," he said, finding himself a seat. A seat that was nowhere near the front, might I mention? But maybe that was a bad choice. He'd heard teachers paid more attention to students who lingered at the back, y'know. And that was just.. not good.
And to think he'd been looking forward to this class.
Trying to take it as another challenge.
"And a good day to you." She said to the boy.
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Lily Lupin
Natasha walked into the Runes classroom, a slightly excited look on her face as she sat down on a chair. She twisted her hair around her finger, looking down at the red box on the desk curiously.
"Welcome my dear."
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Zeke Weasley
Zeke strolled into the classroom in his usual carefree manner. He was excited to be there. He liked Runes quite a bit. "Hello, Professor," he said as he walked in. He gave her a big smile before taking a seat near the middley-front bit of the classroom.
"Hello Mr. Weasley. Ready to learn, I take it?" She smiled.
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Hannah bounced into the classroom. She was really excited for Runes. She liked this class a lot. "Hello, Professor," she said politely as she entered. She spotted her brother and took a seat near him. She didn't want to chat too much since the Professor didn't like it, but she did say, "Hey, Zeke. Lovely day for Runes, isn't it?" She smiled.
"Everyday is a lovely day for Runes." She winked.
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Ancient Runes was a subject Sydney wasn't really sure if she can pull it off....just like Arithmancy or maybe Divination... or... *gulp*
Well look at the bright side, Sydney has never attended Ancient Runes before so there was a possibility that it would turn out as good as Transfiguration...she really wanted to be evanesco'd at the moment... or History Of Magic....which was surprisingly good.
Deeeep Breath..........
Think Positive....Think Positive
Swallowing hard, Sydney dragged herself to the
Room of DOOOM Ancient Runes lesson...
The professor was waiting at the door. Smiling broadly, Sydney walked over to the classroom."
Good Morning Prof. Lupa" Sydney said with a nod. She took a seat in the middle of the classroom...Neither back nor front...Middle was more like it..
She rummaged through her bag....
tooth pick...mirror...hair bands...
AHAH! There it was, her lucky quill and some errr crumpled parchment..
Placing them on the desk, Sydney decided to read her textbook ... finally...
Oooo what's that" She said as she stared at the little red box at the end of the desk..
Better not touch it.. Sydney muttered under her breath...
"That's your beginning of term gift. It's a peppermint frog. Enjoy it, and your breath will be fresh all day!" She giggled.
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Anise walked into the classroom silently. He moved into the center of the classroom and took a seat next to his fellow rewenclaw.
"Welcome my dear."
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Ancient Runes was NOT Cam's specialty but it always seemed so awweeesome to him with all the ancient signs and symbols and the stuff and all... Last term he barely understood anything so maybe this term, he could have learned more than what he already did--well obviously, he was. Cam walked into the classroom and smelled Ancient Rune air. It smelled like... well he didn't know how to explain it but it smelled like Ancient Runes? Yeaaaah you could call it that.
"Hiiiiiii professsaaah," he greeted and then looked for a seat. But oooooh, what were those red boxes on the tables? Maybe there was treasure in it... yessssssss this lesson might have been exciting, no?
He took a seat in one of the chairs and waited for the class to begin, but not before poking the red box just for fun. Because poking really was fun.
"No poking... now that's just not polite." She said.
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Daphne tapped her quill lazily against her empty piece of parchment. Occupying Celandine's other side, Daphne could feel she was excited enough for the both of them (or the entire class really). Thing she always liked about the youngest Toussaint; She made her feel a little more like a normal girl.
Miss Hopton fiddled with the red box in her hand, twirling it repeatedly. "Celandine, you can have my piece if you like."
"Miss Hopton, how generous." She said with a smile. "But unnecessary," she added with a wink.
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Stepping into the classroom, Ancient Runes classroom, Emiliano waved to the Professor and greeted with a bow of his head. It just felt weird, that subject had never been his...specialty...but it was worth trying, wasn't it???
She bowed her head to him in return.
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Reid stepped through the door and looked around the classroom curiously. This was a subject he wasn't entirely sure about, having never taken it before. Nevertheless he walked to a desk and pulled out his equipment, determined to do well and earn Slytherin some points.
"Welcome." she said nodding to the boy.
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ooh ancient runes huh? Lyra was curious what this class was like and walked inside. "Hello Professor" she greeted and walked to a desk. Lyra placed her bag beside her and sat down, looking at a box on her table. First she thought someone must have let it lying around but when she glanced around she noticed that a box was on every table , making her even more curious.
"And a warm hello to you as well!"
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Cedric rushed into their Ancient Runes class glad that he wasn't late."Hi Professor."He greet always glad to make his way on every class.And He sat near a slytherin girl who looks like a firstie.He noticed that there was a small red box in his desk wander who owns it.He turned to the girl."Do you own this box."He asked as he point the red box
"Hello Master Leone, very nice to see you back in class."
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dan arjay
Daniel entered the familiar Ancient Runes classroom with a renewed sense of excitement to got to another class. He sat near the front and looked around. Few familiar faces and some unfamiliar ones.
He then grabbed his Ancient Runes textbook and opened it. Then he noticed a cute box in his desk. What could this be? he thought.
He set aside the thought and reads the book. It will come to them.
"Master Kaiser... always the studious one." She said smiling at the kid sitting at his desk.
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Meh... Why Ancient Runes?! Why now?! Why did she have to take that class anyhow?! Maybe she should just go and skip class...no, she seriously couldn't just do that. Or could she? Nancy had stopped right in front of the door which lead into the Ancient Runes classroom with an undecided look on her face. No, she really couldn't. And above all Slytherin really needed those housepoints. Sigh...
Nancy inhaled deeply before taking a step over the threshold and into the classroom her face torn into a grimace. "Good day, Professor Lupa," She greeted the professor, trying to sound cheerful and content. The professor was nice after all. Why did she have to choose a subject like Ancient Runes to teach, though?!
Nodding at a few of the already seated students as she walked past them Nancy took her seat in the waaay back of the classroom. How was she supposed to survive this lesson?!
"Good day to you too Miss Hudonson" She said sweetly.
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Nat nat
Vivianne happily joined the class of Ancient runes. "Hello Professor Lupa," she greeted with a smile. She was looking forward to the class though so she gladly sat on the front part. She waited for the class to start and just busied herself checking her bag for her things.
"I love seeing smiled from you students! Hello to you Miss Nat."
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As Miles entered the Ancient Runes classroom, the first thing he noticed was the RED BOXES on each table. He wanted one! As he rushed to his seat in excitement, he wondered what could be inside. He dare not open it, just in case it was a dragon or something. Miles waited for Professor Lupa to tell him, just in case he actually did get scolded. EEK!
"Master Parker... please open the box." She said smiling.
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Hayley skipped down the corridor towards the classroom. Ancient Runes. *Cue the "ooooo"ing and "aaahhh"ing.*
She ceased her happy skipping at the door and walked in. "Hiya, Professor Lupa" she said brightly.
She grabbed a seat and pulled out her book. Yay for learning!
"Miss Evans... Hello to you as well." She said with a nod.
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Clifford was scared. But really, who could blame him after Professor Lupa's behaviour last term!? The woman had been all over him! Shudder. He just.. hoped - PRAYED - she was all better now.
A light flush crept up his neck and the Head Boy ducked his head as he quickly walked past the Professor and into the Ancient Runes classroom. Now he felt trapped. Oh gawd.. this was going to be a LOOONG lesson.
"Master Carden," She said blushing a little... last term... UGHHHH... "Congratulations on being head boy..."
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Mad Eye Touz
Plymouth made as wide of an arc as he could around Professor Lupa as he entered. He REALLY liked Lupa, but after last term... he was a little afraid. He gave her a little wave and then RAN to his seat. He sat down next to Daphne Hopton. "Sitting next to the Daphodil and my CellBell. Going to be a GOOD class!" And OoOoooO a little sweetie in a box!!!
"Master Morgan... always the ladies man..." She said smirking.
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Herminny entered th Ancient Runes classroom with a smile on her face as she said, "Hi professor Lupa", as she took her seat because even though this was certainly not her favorite class she was still gonna give it all she had and not look back on the past.
"Miss Telerino, welcome back..." She said and went to the front of the class.
"Hello everyone, what's the first letter of the Elder Futhark?" She asked.