tis' okay. I'll be gone all next week anyway... :P Baht-ley - The Sweetest - TEAM 947!
"Oh..okay then." Melanie said, giving him a small smile and shrugging her shoulders a bit. At least he wasn't going to try and act like he had a good reason to hurt the head girl...in fact again he looked a bit regretful about it...
"Oh." she said again, trying not to sound disappointed. Afterall...it wasn't a good thing considering, stealing candy from your friends...He didn't even look around though? Melanie tilted her head, stuck on a line between amusement and fascination as he said there actually could be lemurs out there. Really she'd have to open her eyes more or something...Hmph. Melanie found herself loosing interest in Jake's mound of candy, glancing out the window for REAL lemurs. Sides' it was all crammed into him bag now...out of sight. She'd just have to stop by Honeydukes sometime later...Or, it was getting a bit late, just hope one of her dorm mates were willing to share.
Jake fell...didn't really come as a shocker. Melanie simply nodded as he explained, sympathetically, not really knowing what to say.
Melanie sighed a bit as he left. Now she was gonna be all alooooone again. "M'kay...Bye Jake." she called as he left the shop the small bell at the top of the door ringing as he departed.
Melanie grabbed up her color changing ink from the shelf, taking it over to the counter for check out. When she was finished the girl left for the school as well, hoping to go up to the common room and get some of her homework done...