Ancient Runes was a subject Sydney wasn't really sure if she can pull it off....just like Arithmancy or maybe Divination... or... *gulp*
Well look at the bright side, Sydney has never attended Ancient Runes before so there was a possibility that it would turn out as good as Transfiguration...she really wanted to be evanesco'd at the moment... or History Of Magic....which was surprisingly good.
Deeeep Breath..........
Think Positive....Think Positive
Swallowing hard, Sydney dragged herself to the
Room of DOOOM Ancient Runes lesson...
The professor was waiting at the door. Smiling broadly, Sydney walked over to the classroom."
Good Morning Prof. Lupa" Sydney said with a nod. She took a seat in the middle of the classroom...Neither back nor front...Middle was more like it..
She rummaged through her bag....
tooth bands...
AHAH! There it was, her lucky quill and some errr crumpled parchment..
Placing them on the desk, Sydney decided to read her textbook ... finally...
Oooo what's that" She said as she stared at the little red box at the end of the desk..
Better not touch it.. Sydney muttered under her breath...