Baht-ley - The Sweetest - TEAM 947!
If Melanie's eyes widened any further they'd pop out of her head. "Anna." she repeated. "But- she's like nice and prefect-y and- well...why'd you wanna hurt her?" Melanie asked. Ohhhh yes, she was asking a lot of questions, but he didn't look angry or anything so far. And he was answering her questions so she wouldn't have to ponder on them all day.
Melanie watched him as he loaded his school bag with stationary squishing it in next to...
CANDY!!! HONEYDUKES CANDY!!! LIKE BUNCHES AND BUNCHES AND BUNCHES OF IT!!! Melanie stared at it, unable to stop herself. It all looked so goooood and sweet and sugary and yum worthy.
She wanted some. A bit anyway. Maybe a bit more than a bit... "Hey Jake...Look a Lemur!" she said promptly pointing out the shop window sooo as soon as he looked away... Mwahaha. Candy!
"Broken wand...that should tape it back together or something. Or just buy a new one... How'd you break it anyway?" she asked absentmindedly, still eying the candy out of the corner of her eye.