Baht-ley - The Sweetest - TEAM 947!
"Hey." Melanie replied, still looking at the stationary. Maybe he just liked writing a lot or something...Or maybe he was giving to some sort of charity...
Orrrrrr not. Melanie bit down on her lip so not to giggle as he said he liked stationary. "I that much." she informed him. After all he did have loads of stationary, enough to last him quite a few years, of course he liked stationary.
Oh yes she was thinking about the cat thing, of course she was, but there were other reason's people could get detention right? Right?! She recalled, he did get detention last year... Well looking on the bright side, he hadn't gone missing, that was a plus.
"Why?" Melanie asked bluntly, but still curiously, hoping for an answer that didn't have to do with the pink cat...