Originally Posted by
Zoerawrr He did not want Pepper Imps... or those Liquorice Wands... they tasted icky. But he neeeeeded acid pops. NEEDED them! They brought back memories from last term.
"Errrrr, you know Anna? Seventh year? Wears a badge saying 'Head Girl'? Yeah, it was her," Jake explained, trying to decide what flavour fudge he needed to get. NEEDED. "I just got real angry... and I was scared," he added, shrugging his own shoulders.
Shana smiled.Then her face dropped again and her mouth was wider than before.
You hurt Ann- Wait.Why were you scared ? she said re-shutting her mouth and smiling caringly at Jake.She picked up another sugar quill and smiled at Jake.She then thought back about the last time she'd seen Jake and hoped he still hate her for what she said to him,she'd hate for them to not be friends,at this moment in time when she wasn't feeling so good and needed her friends.