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Jessica94ear Iris burst out laughing as Aaron fell face first into the sand, even if it was a bit mean. "you like sand boxes don't you?" Iris asked in a very mock-serious voice. "well lets just hope luna doesn't find it eh?" Iris asked cheerfully. Iris looked round at all the sand and said, "can you make a sand angel? like a snow angel, but with sand?" and she lay down in the sand, not caring that her robes would get sandy, not caring that her hair would get sandy.
Aaron looked at her with one eyebrow cocked. "Yes I do!" he said cheerfully. "I'm a four year old at heart."
Aaron laughed at her Luna joke. THAT would be gross.
Aaron layed down, too. "I don't know, let's find out." He started waving his arms and legs in the sand to make a "sand" angel. He then turned on his knees and signed his name above his head.
Aaron. he then turned to Iris.
"I guess you can!"