Kool-Aid, Oh Yeah! | | SS Mischief Maker
Kazimeriz glowered at the boy. "You could learn a thing or two about responsibility and respect from Miss Moon, boy. Look at the way she entered, admitted her errors and acquiesed to her punishment, meanwhile you sit here, lying and pleading. She is twice the man you are, and deserves more than the little you offer." Kazimeriz nodded to Moon deferentially. "Meaning no insult, of course, Miss Moon." Kazimeriz looked back at Sunrider. "You sit owe me detention from last term. But first, we settle this matter. Your first task shall be to go to Professor Bunbury. I have already informed her that you will be appearing before her. You will go this very day, after I dismiss you. You are to work as her personal--"slave"--attendant and general assistant, completing any tasks she sets you diligently, competently, and without complaint or excuse."
Kazimeriz eyed the boy. "And to ensure that you are not.." He eyed Moon and cast a silent spell. On her, this time. "distracted... Until further notice you will remain out of the company of Miss Moon. If you choose to come within five feet of her for any reason outside of my presence, you will cause her excruiciating, intolerable pain. I am the only one who can remove this curse. Do not try to remove it yourself, unless you seek to make things worse for your brave and noble friend. Miss Moon, if you try to take on the pain, as a Gryffindor might do, you will cause the curse to fall upon Mr. Sunrider as well... so you will do well to stay far from one another... and hope that my health does not continue to fail, for if I fall this curse shall be permanent. That is all; you are dismissed."
Last edited by XanaSnape; 06-08-2009 at 03:03 AM.
Reason: typo