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Snap out of it, right now! Raiden's brain commanded. After all, how long would it take her to realise that he wasn't exactly all there? She was smart, after all... Taking a deep breath, Raiden shook his head and rubbed his eyes, trying to mentally wake himself up.
"Butterbeer sounds good right now," he said softly, glancing at Kiri and catching a glance of what looked like dissatisfaction on her face. She had noticed him blanking out, hadn't she... Sigh. "Sorry, I'm just... a bit distracted, I forgot about doing my Muggle Studies homework and was trying to figure out when I'd have time to get it done." He grinned at her. "Let's go get butterbeer, yeah?"
"No no, it's fine," Kiri said hurriedly. "To be honest, I haven't done Muggle Studies yet, either. A butterbeer will cheer us up." Fighting for normality, she added: "And maybe we'll have some good ideas about Muggle Studies, too! Let's go." She smiled at him wanly and began walking towards the Three Broomsticks. As usual, students were flocking to it. She grabbed the door as a group of giggling Hufflepuffs pushed past her, and stepped inside.
The pub was packed, of course, but Kiri spotted a small table in the back that was empty and beelined straight towards it. She indicated a chair. "Sit down. Please. I'll get us something to drink, okay?" Without really waiting for more than a brief nod of Raiden's, she turned around. Shoving and pushing and, yes, ducking led her to the counter eventually, where a few moments' frantic eye-catching grabbed the barkeeper's attention. Kiri paid for the two butterbeers and, clutching them to her chest protectively, returned to the seat.
Silently, she held one out to Raiden. Then she let herself fall down on her own chair, which creaked. Lost for words, she took a deep draught, eyeing Raiden over the bottle. He looked so... confused, for some reason. When she put it down on the table, she gave him another smile.