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Calm? Calm? There was a chance she could get candy - something she hadn't been given since halfway through her first year! How could she calm down? Well, at least it seemed Julie wasn't going to try and limit her -- too much, that was.
'Overboard? I honestly assure you I don't know what overboard is,' she lied smoothly, already planning on how to get much more than Julie would know. After all, Mina loved candy - it was practically the only thing she wasn't afraid to admit love of.
She shook Julie's hand. 'Fair enough,' she echoed.
Juliet raised her eyebrow, pratically sensing Mina's thoughts. She whispered to her,
Remember. Your not the only candy lover here who was once on restrictions. She shook her hand and continued to walk.
Now. How much money you got? Julie shook her pockets that jangled with unused coins.