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Old 06-07-2009, 02:59 PM   #162 (permalink)
Formerly: moonyroxs

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Join Date: Oct 2008
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Baht-ley - The Sweetest - TEAM 947!

The second year girl stared in awe as Bunbury stood on the big 'ol lily pad hoping wondering if it would cause her to fall into the lake....but it didn't. No surprise there really, maybe a little disappointment, but no surprise, considering she'd said that the humongo lily pad could support a human's weight.

Woah. She hoped Bunz wasn't going to make them do matter how awesome it looked when she was doing it. Water was one of the one things she was scared of. That and spiders...How convenient that was....her last class involving spiders and this one the liquid in lake-form.

Melanie's hand shot up in the air and Bunbury asked them a question. OoOoO she knew this one. The preeeeeetty big leaves surely had some good uses. "You could wear them as a hat or you could sit on top of it instead of standing and make it like a little canoe ooooor if you couldn't swim you could glue em' to your arms and you'd just float around...." Oh, of course, she'd come up with that one. Not that she'd ever do that... Water was OFF limits...UHHH-huh. "And they look a bit squishy...I wonder if they would make good pillows or something..." she provided, eying the green floating plants. She wanted to touch one...

Last edited by Lindzers; 06-07-2009 at 07:33 PM.
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