Originally Posted by
Celandine Celandine was minding her own business, really, she was. And HEY she knew that kid! What was he doing? Performance art? She watched him for a few moments, waiting to see if he'd do anything but apparently he was just... standing there.
OH. Oh wait! Was she supposed to..? Celandine looked at Pietro and unravelled the scarf that she just happened to be wearing and wrapped it around Divad's neck. There! Now at least, while he was just standing there, he'd be warm AND fashionable!
"I like your Fedora." Celandine observed casually to Pie before cocking her head to one side and examining Divad and his new threads.
Pity she didn't have a coat or earmuffs or something to donate.
Corridors at Hogwarts could get mighty drafty.
Pietro heard a girl's voice and immediately turned around to see the girl that made his friend freak out at the feast with her stockings. This time the girl wasn't very threatening. Or at least not extremely girly like the last time. Smiling he tipped his fedora at her and gestured towards the scarf.
"I like the scarf you put on him. I think he looks very presentable as a statue. A lot nicer looking than most of the statues around here anyway. I didn't catch your name when I saw you at the feast by the way. Mine's Pietro if you didn't catch it. Pie will work though! Everyone's calling me that anyway."
Pie wanted to contribute something else to the "statue" but he didn't really have anything else on him that he could put on him. A jacket would work wonders for the statue. Or maybe an umbrella!