Originally Posted by
Ricco was running out of things to say...quickly. "I was almost forced to take one of them once as i get Way too angry sometime" he said as he watched Jake fiddle around with his wand. Deciding he wanted to keep his wand he left it in his pocket as he watched him walk around the Small room.
"Mhmmm," Jake nodded, running his fingertips along the groves in the stony wall. It wasn't
as filthy as some of the other places up here, but... it was still pretty blehhhh. "I have to take them alot..." he added, screwing up his face in distaste. "That's another thing, I guess... Now, my dad will find out and make me take that... stuff, like alot," he pointed out. That was a result of this... but more long term.
"I dunno about what could have happened," he tried again, concentrating fiercely. He shrugged yet again, spinning his wand around his finger. "But, like, the armour could have got scratched."
Well it was TRUE.