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Becca wandered the streets of Hogsmeade. Alone. But that wasn't really surprising - she didn't have a best friend at Hogwarts. Everyone she was friends with had a best friend to hang out with, and it certainly wasn't her. And even though she refused to show it, this did bother her. Too much. If only Lainey was around, Becca would have somewhere to hang out when life got her down. But nope. There was nowhere like that for her to run to anymore. She should have been used to this by now, since the woman had been gone for a whole term already, but... there was just something about the comfort of Lainey's office that she couldn't forget.
She slid her hands into her pockets as she walked down the main street. In a way, it was sort of nice to be alone. This way, she could enjoy the architecture of the buildings and enjoy the scenery...?
Yeah right.
Natasha walked down the streets of Hogsmede, bored. She was glad to be in Hogsmede, she just didn't really have anyone to talk to at the moment, and felt kind of lonely. She had friends, she just didn't really know where they were at the moment.
As Natasha walked down the street, she saw a girl. She looked a few years older than her, and kind of lonely. Or maybe she was just imagining that because she wanted to talk to someone.
"Hi, do you mind if I join you?" She asked her. No harm in asking, right?