Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Quote:
Originally Posted by Colley ♥ Aha. Amusing.
"I suppose not everyone is as blessed with grace as I." she replied, the smirk on her lips evolving into a smile. But then, he jumped down, and she nodded at him. "But you didn't fall. I am impressed." She really thought he was going to fall. Perhaps he would have, but now she wouldn't know.
Giggling, Evolette remembered when she'd met him, he had been quite preoccupied with Cela, and she wasn't surprised at all that he didn't remember her name. "That's okay, because I don't remember yours either. I fear I've confused you and your brother." Sigh. "However, I am Evolette McKenna." Impressed, huh? Plymouth was a glutton for attention and impressing people - girls of the pretty variety in particular - was right right up his alley. His face spread into a cheeky grin. "You distracted me from my task at hand," Plymouth waved back at the curb. He'd just fall later.
"Ohhhh Evolette? EvoLETTE. Oooo la la! Such a pretty name. Very girly, and you ... well you're a girl, so that's fitting." Plymouth "hehe'd" and offered his hand, "I'm the good brother. Plymouth Morgan. Copernicus is the ... smarter one. Kind of nerdy, but I like him." |