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Old 06-06-2009, 01:04 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
isabella Macmillan
Sixth Year

An Information Slipped...

The last few days passed by quickly and it was already the last day of their vacation. The next day both Ginny and Sara will be taking Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts. Ginny was busy collecting laundry from wash and folding them while Sara was setting up the trunk which Ginny lent her.
“Busy packing,” said Harry and came from behind and hugged Ginny.
“any help Sara?” asked Hermione
“oh no, I am doing fine, thanks,” said Sara
“you packed all the ingredients and scales and everything, Sara?” asked Hermione
“yeah I just did them. thanks so much. They are as good as new. You are very careful with your things,” she said. And Hermione just smiled.
“Sara where will you keep your books?” asked Ginny turning towards Sara.
Sara looked up from the trunk and looked at Ginny
“Don’t worry,” she said and brought out a small tiny palm sized satchel which was lying in the corner of her back pack. She found it when she was clearing it. She was surprised to see it.
“you will use that!” said Ron incredulously and Sara nodded.
“ENGROCIO,” she said and did a complex hand movement and the rest of them saw the bag enlarge itself and came to a halt at its normal size. Ron just looked at Sara while Hermione had a triumphant smile on her face which Sara obligingly returned while Ginny and Harry were nodding appreciatively.
“Mione did you do something like that to reduce your purse size and increase its volume during our expedition for Horcruxes,” said Ron
The other three went pale. Harry had decided not to tell anyone except the Order about the Horcruxes after the war. Many people wanted to learn how Harry defeated Voldemort but he refused to divulge any details about Horcruxes, because it would be too much for the people to cope up with. He had decided to divulge in details when every thing would go back to normal and people will calmly think about it and digest it. But Ron seemed to have slipped out the information in front of Sara. Ron can sometime be certainly stupid.
“Horcrux?” said Sara disbelievingly.
“um…nothing, Sara and Ron this was not the charm I performed. It was something different then this,” said Hermione changing the topic and shooting daggers at Ron. Ron who realized his mistake turned red.
“Hermione, Voldemort made horcruxes?” asked Sara in the same tone
“Sara, why do you want to know?” said Ginny
“Ginny, it is every wizard and witch’s right to know how Harry defeated Voldemort,” said Sara
“but why do you care? Voldemort is gone. Why does anybody want to know,” said Ron in a bit of harsh tone just to cover up his nervousness.
“why do I care?” argued Sara talking in the same tone as Ron but she was cut off .
“ok, ok guys calm down,” said Hermione coming in between Ron and Sara
“Sara do you know about Horcruxes?” said Harry seriously.
“Harry, no you promised the Order not to tell anyone about it,” said Hermione
“yes I know what they are and if you have promised someone then don’t tell me,” said Sara, “but I just want to know how many of them were there?” she asked and the four of them felt uneasy again
“seven,” said Ginny
“magical number,” murmured Sara and Hermione nodded. Sara went pale, she sat down immediately on Hermione’s bed in a shock.
“Sara you alright?” asked Ginny and she just nodded. She got up once again and went back to packing and without another question. They saw her working through her things and were hoping if she hadn’t taken it too seriously and hoped if the shock wore out.

That night as they were having their dinner Molly asked “Hermione, when is your result coming out?”
“um…they should be out this coming week Mrs.Weasley. They scheduled to arrive in the first week of September,” said Hermione
“you guys are letting us know when your results have arrived,” said Ginny
“yup we will,” said Harry. As they all finished with dinner they helped Mrs.Weasley with the dishes and then left for the rooms. The last night the youngsters spent together. The boys were up till 2 in the morning with Ginny, Hermione and Sara. At 2:15 the girls went to sleep.

have a nice day...i'll post tomorrow...Ginny and Sara will be heading to hogwarts...:-)

Last edited by harita; 04-09-2010 at 04:17 AM. Reason: Some Changes Made
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