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Irial turned his head slightly as she stood close to him. He could feel her body warmth, she was that close. He resisted the urge to move away, and merely looked at her. Studied her once more.
"I am not retreating from them," he stated simply. "Just enticing you to come to the shadows with me." His purple eyes glittered as he looked at her. "And it seems as though you were enticed indeed. Since you are now standing beside me."
There was a look of quiet triumph in his eyes for just a moment, then she spoke again. She thought he expected her to be frightened of him?
"I can be quite frightening if I choose, my dear girl," he whispered, his voice low and sultry now. It wrapped around her like a velvet shroud. "As it so happens, you haven't seen nearly the worst of me." Irial shifted so he was standing directly in front of her and he stepped closer, so they were nearly touching. He ignored the students who were shouting in the far end of the hall, his attention fully on Karma.
"Fortunately for you, and the rest of the students in this school, they'll not see the worst of me."
Damn it. Karma did exactly what Irial wanted her to do, which wasn't her plan at all. She merely wanted to see what was so hidden about these shadows. They didn't hide you completely, but enough to where if you didn't want to be seen, you didn't have to.
"Well it does seem to have worked," she admitted, tilting her head for a moment as she answered. Those purple eyes seemed to glitter at lot, didn't they? Hmm.
"Care to tell me why you wanted to draw me in?"
He felt proud of himself. She did exactly what she wanted, which made her want to step away from him, rather than closer. What would that do to him now?
So, he COULD be scary. And his voice was enticing her, and she closed her eyes as he spoke. It was almost as if putting her into a trance, and he wasn't about to let her go. That was when he was right in front of her, close enough that Karma could feel him, and she opened her eyes.
"I was right about you. You have a secret, one that you don't want anyone to know about. Must be pretty dangerous, or something of the sort. Like I said earlier, we're not as we seem on the outside."
That includes not making her angry. She couldn't control that part of her when she was angry. But for some reason, she didn't move away from him. His voice wouldn't let her.