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Pigwidgeon Took Jude blushed and shrugged, "Oi 'unno," he said. SHOOT! He shouldn't have taken her seriously, now she thinks he's mean... oh no, he has to correct that somehow... Jude smiled when she instead started to build the lighthouse up again. "Oi dun wanna make anothah loight'ouse... le's make..." the thought for a moment, "a li'l co'age somewhe'uh?" he said, and instead threw handfuls of sand onto her little pile to create a hill. A cottage on a hill. That would work, right?
"Oi didn' do much... Jus' kin'a... wo'ked aroun' in me mum's res'raun', so Oi made a wee bi' o' moneh... Muggo' moneh bu' i's all goo'... Wha' abou'..." He was about to ask her how her summer was, but all of a sudden his lap was full of chocolaty goodness. His eyes went wide and his mouth fell open.
"Oh... Oh meh!!! OH MEH GOO'NESS!!!!" he squeaked and flailed a little before holding up the bags of candy for inspection and putting them carefully inside his bag, out of harms way. He didn't want sand in his chocolate. Next, he launched himself at Aly.
"OH FANKOOOOOO ALEH FANKOO SOOOOO MUCH!!!!" He said, hugging her tightly, and kinda knocking them both over. "Bu'... bu' whoy'd ya go'n do tha'? Oi dun' 'ave anehthin' fer yeh..." he said, still clinging to her, but now he felt bad.
She shrugged and looked down at the lump of sand. "A cottage?" She asked, brushing the bangs from her face. "Well, okay.." She replied, dropping handfuls of dirt onto the pile.
"Worked in your mom's restaurant?" She stopped in the middle of picking up a handful of sand. "That's cool. And money is money." She put the handful of sand on the pile and brushed her hands together to get the extra sand off of them.
Aly reached up and started to gather her hair into a ponytail. She was just about to put the scrunchie in her hair when Jude launched himself at her. She fell back onto the sand and giggled. "Oh man. Jude. It's okay. Just get offffff." She squirmed, trying to get him to let go of her. The sand was getting down her shirt..and..yeah. Didn't feel good.