Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Anna once again smiled when the boy, who appeared to have been lost in his thoughts, glanced up at her. "It is nice, isn't it?" she asked, not really expecting an answer to that question. It'd just more or less been an observation of sorts anyway. "My boyfriend and I used to take evening strolls around the castle. We'd do our prefect duties together," she said, glancing off down the corridors, deep in thought. "He doesn't go to school here anymore, though." She nodded when she asked if she was the Head Girl. That was pretty much the first question she got from everyone she encountered. "That's be me, and yes, I'm a Gryffindor...a seventh year, as a matter of fact. Graduation...eek!"
"I'm Christian MacLeod, your name's Anna right?" He asked, running a hand through his black hair. "I wouldn't mind a walk if you don't mind having the company." He smiled. "I've been meaning to ask you, someone told me you knew my cousins Monica and Excelsior Black. Could you tell me about them?"