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Old 06-03-2009, 06:34 AM   #19 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Sandbox convo
She was glad to hear that from him. *"And for the third time, Thank you."* She was enjoying the time listening to his likes. She didn't know why *"I don't do quidditch. I'm not afraid of heights but maybe i'm just afraid of falling..." *she paused.* "I have an owl, a cat and Cid.. Does that make a creature lover?"* she counted on her fingers and asked him with a chuckle. *"I've never had so many friends back home. I only have two... And they're so much younger than me... Chuck and Sandra, our neighbors. But here in Hogwarts i couldn't count how many acquaintances i had."*

Realising they've been out there for long now,* "Uhmm... maybe we could continue this one after we put Cid back at the sanctuary and you have asked for yours...."*
Originally Posted by Nat nat View Post
Via opened the door of the Creatures sanctuary with Cid's cage carried by her right hand. She was glad to be back from where she had first seen him. Cid's original cage was left in there last term and Via had to buy one. With Reid behind her she walked past other cages with other creatures and she past by Mr. Carden on her way. Waving at her she continued till she reached Cid's place.

"Here.." she said as she opened the cage and let him out. She gave the imp a little time to stretch around before she keeps him inside his cage again. Perhaps the play area would do the creature great.
Following Via into the sanctuary Reid looked around and couldn't help but think that the place was great. It had animals and was large enough for all of them to be comfortable. He smiled when she set Cid free so he could have a bit of a play before having to go back into his actual cage. It was good to see him having fun.

"Hmm well maybe you could go up with me sometime. I promise that I wouldn't let you fall. Maybe it would help you see just how fun flying can be. That's if you want to." He pondered her question for awhile. "I don't know if it necessarily makes you an animal lover. It's how you feel about them and the way you treat them. What you would do for them and yeah just how much you care really. I guess from the way you are with Cid that you could be considered one."
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