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NightShadows Irial wandered into the second floor corridor, wondering where the girls' bathroom was. It wasn't like he was going to go in or anything, believe me, he had NO interest in seeing a girl's bathroom. No..he wanted to see Myrtle. In his detention, she'd wanted him to visit her when he got out. After the fiasco at the Whomping Willow yesterday, he decided to pop in and give her a visit. However, knowing that she haunted a girl's toilet was a little deterring. How was he supposed to go see her in her toilet if he wasn't allowed in?
Oh well. He continued to wander the corridor, until he came outside the girls' bathroom door. Feeling utterly stupid and silly, he knocked on the door and called out.
"Myrtle? It's Irial. I'm out of my detention..you remember? The dungeon...the water? I'm here to visit you like I promised." He felt so stupid, but if she really did come out, then it wouldn't all have been for nothing.
He waited quietly, leaning against the wall near the girls' bathroom door.
come for her. Oh yes, yes he had. He'd
remembered, that silly detentionee drowning Gyffindork had come back for poor, innocent, moaning moping Myrtle.
"Iriaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllll," the ghostie echoed hauntingly, popping out of the wall the corridor shared with her bathroom. "I thought you'd
never come."
She flicked one innocent pigtail and started batting her eyelashes at him. How. Sweet.