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Robert just sat there on the ground as he tried to regain his composure. He winced as he heard Bunbury and hoped that she liked him enough not to yell at him. He really wasn't in a state to take it right now. Hearing Lyra's words he heard the truth behind it. She knew what he was going through. They had talked a bit about it but never broached the subject but there was no denying she knew and for that he loved her.
He watched as she stood up and spoke to the professor his love for his best friend growing even more as she covered for him. He didn't deserve such a friend. His tears stopped as he gained control of himself though his eyes were still teary and he laughed softly at her remark. "I don't think I paid attention to what colour it was to be honest. Here let me help you..." he said quietly as he started picking up the broken shards. "Thanks."
This was the first time that she and Rob actually talked about something other than the usual. There was something about him that she liked talking too and keeping an eye on, but with Rob, she had to keep her eye on him. She smiled then looked up as Bunbury began to speak to the two of them.
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"Miss Noir! Mr. Chambers, I am stunned!" Annie's face was almost equal to that of a child's being let down on Christmas. "Breaking precious pink pots, right in front of me!"
She folded her arms and slowly tapped one leopardy boot, just joking really. "But of course, since I see it was simply an accident, and Mr. Chambers looks very upset, it's not an issue. I know it's not because you didn't like the color of the pot."
Bunbunz smiled gently at the two students and then started walking back to her plants again. It might have been an accident but they still had to do the cleaning up. "Be careful with the broken pieces, dears, they could be sharp...I have dragon-hide gloves in the back if you need them."
Lyra stood up quickly once again as Bunbury confronted them. The disappointed look on her face was enough to upset the Hufflepuff even more. Another worried look crossed her face as she nodded her head in a fast motion to show that the gloves would be a good thing. No use in scarring her hands with broken
PINK pot pieces.
"Yesma'amthankyou," Lyra said as fast as she could, turning on her heels and walking to the back room for two pair of gloves. The girl walked rather swiftly to and back, then handed Rob a pair of gloves as well.
"Here," she said as gloves seemed to swallow her tiny little hands. OKAY! So her hands weren't so tiny but the gloves were HUGE!...on her that is.