Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl Lawson had decided to take a stroll outside and after wandering around aimlessly for the past hour he managed to find himself by the greenhouses. Not a particularly good idea to hang around here because he was liable to run into the Queen of Torture.
Anastasia Bunbury was puuuure torture to him and probably most of Hogwarts too. Although he had noticed that most of the females around here seemed to love her. Marcus snorted softly, they obviously didn't know her like he did. Merlin help them all if they turned out like her.
Ugh...he should leave but he couldn't resist just taking a peek inside the greenhouse to see if she really still did have that flair for plants like she had when she was younger. Honestly though why would you bother making flower arrangements for a rock band?
He stepped inside and had to shield his eyes from the pink. Obviously her taste in colour had not changed. How many times had she pestered him into buying a pink guitar and play it at their concerts? if!!
Well he could see that she still was a good as she used to be. Time to get going before she found him lurking around here and that would not be good, especially for him. "Maaaaaarcus," came the soft, evil voice of Anastasia Bunbury from the door of the greenhouses. Mwahahaha she'd known he was going to cave and come visit her one of these days...and now he was caught like a fly in a spider's web. This would be fun.
The redhead marched into the greenhouses further, her long leopard-printed boots click-clacking ominously as she strolled over to the Defense professor. "Is the castle too boring for you now? Or were you looking for a nice, quiet environment to shed a few chords?"
She couldn't resist shooting him a slightly devious grin as she leaned past him to check on the soil of a nice, leafy fern. Still moist, hmm, that was good.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |