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Old 06-03-2009, 12:55 AM
druidflower druidflower is offline
Default Quarantine Ward - OFF LIMITS

Oh you poor dear. You are very very sick, and for the protection of you and the other students, you have to be confined to this room. Healer Avalon will look in on you when she can, and she will undoubtedly have to do a few tests and ask you lots of questions, but you need to be patient while she figures out what’s the matter with you. You’ll probably have to give up your robes in favour of hospital gowns. There is no dignity while you’re sick. And you’ll just have to live with it.

OOC: Just keep in mind- If your character dies in the RP, you will be moved into the "Dead Student" usergroup for the rest of the term and placed back into your house for the next term when you can begin again with a new student. Your old character can never be resurrected. JKR said it: no spell can reawaken the dead. So if you chose to let your character die in Quarantine, you have to live with it for the term.

Currently in Quarantine:
None - Quarantine is Closed