connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow Was Thing still here? Clifford was surprised to find he dearly hoped so. He hadn't really beem expecting to, but he'd missed the little critter over summer. He hadn't been able to take him home though ... he probably would've eaten Orion for breakfast. Eh.
The Head Boy smiled shyly in Professor Morgan's direction when he wondered past her and Copernicus, and made his way to Thing's cage. EEEEE!!! He was there! And in true Thing fashion, his cage was as poopy as ever. "Still a poop machine, huh little man?" Clifford grinned, wrinkling his nose at the smell as he opened the cage door.
Thing had apparently missed Clifford as much as Clifford had missed him, for the kneazle bounded straight for him, headbutting his chest affectionately. Cradling the magical creature in his arms, the seventh year scratched Thing behind his big ears.
Now.. to get rid of that poop.
Last term, he'd cleaned the mess out with gloved hands. Now, he had a far better idea. What was the Transfiguration homework again? To make something nobody would miss disappear? He'd been wanting to try make Anna Greingoth a PERSON disappear.. but surely noone would miss kneazle poop. This then, was a perfect opportunity. Hehe.
Despite Professor Lawson's warnings in DADA, Clifford drew his wand from where he'd had it tucked down the back of his trousers and set Thing on top of his cage. He didn't want to accidentally make Thing disappear.. that wouldn't be cool and he was sure Professor Morgan would NOT be pleased.
Now, what was the incantation again? "Evanesco!" Clifford jabbed his wand at the poop, retching a little when the tip of is sunk into the mess. EWWW. Rather than disappear though, the poop seemed to enlarge. Huh? He was sure he'd said evanesco and not engorgio. Oh, this was so GROSS. Covering his nose with his hand and blinking his watery eyes, the Head Boy readied himself for another try. "Ev-AN-es-CO!" And it worked! The giant mountain of Thing poop was gone! Disappeared! Vanished! The stench though, was still there and feeling his stomach turn dangerously, Clifford shoved Thing back in his cage and made a run for it.
He needed fresh air. Now.
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