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Old 06-01-2009, 08:15 AM   #22 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by fire_faerie View Post
"All right then," Rachel smiled warmly at Reid and was just about to head for one of the cushions lying around when he spoke again. "Oh - bugger," she muttered, then eyed the list one more time to see what subjects she could take, since her top three were already taken. Maybe it's a good thing, my list was short enough as it was - I probably wouldn't have been much of a helper.

"Ok, so how about Potions? It's not my favourite, but there are quite a few inventions that could fit under that category,"
she said, turning back to smile at the taller boy. Potions, potions - yeah, potions was fine even though if she was honest with herself, the subject was a little dull... It didn't really branch out into anything other than the potions themselves. Ahh well...

Following the guy's gaze, she turned to see Cela offering him her textbook. She smiled and was just about to thank her when she froze mid-breath. What happened to Cela?! The girl Rachel was looking at was a physical copy of Celandine Toussaint, but she was nothing like the loveable Celandine she knew and loved. Hmm... After class, maybe I'll catch her in the common room later or something, Rachel thought to herself, her eyebrows knotted together as she looked worriedly at her unusually nonchalant friend.
"It's not mine either, it can be kinda dull." he informed her, scrunching his nose up a little. "But there are some good inventions in it so I think we should definitely take Potions." Reid agreed with her and quickly notated the subjects they would be taking, before sorting through some of the lists to find things on Care of Magical Creatures and Potions. Once that was done he seperated them into two different piles. "So I'll do CoMC while you do Potions and I think once we've both put the information of the kids together we should then start on our own ideas for the subjects. If you want to that is."
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