Originally Posted by
aussiegirl "Welcome to your first DADA lesson of the year. I am Professor Lawson, as most of you seem to know already but unfortunately I only know a few of your names, so please bear with me."
He pushed off the desk and took a couple of steps forward. "Okay so I have watched each of you retrieve your wands. And very interesting places some of you keep your wand." He glanced at Clifford for a moment. "Now I am going to need a couple of volunteers."
Keep your wand? Eh... For the life of Miranda she couldn't remember where she had been keeping her wand.
Oh, not good, not goooood Miranda frowned and looked down at her body as best she could, like there would be a blinking neon arrow pointing to where she usually kept her wand. It was a wonder she hadn't lost it yet. She made a face at the thought.
But now the professor was asking for volunteers. Miranda was not about to be subjected to something she did not know how to defend herself against, so she just watched.