Moony's 'Furry Little Problem' Cressida, Will, Chandan, Draygon "It is indeed." Chandan replied to Laylee's question, reluctantly removing his arm from around Laylee and making his way to the door.
"Only a few of the doors have locks, but yours has a spell in case you want some additional privacy and don't want anyone forgetting you're in there and just walking in - though I doubt any of us would do that, Malcolm and Romulus and my older currently absent sisters might forget." Chandan rolled his eyes jokingly, and continued. "To lock the door, say elovera, and to unlock it say arevole, which is the opposite wording of locking it. They're not the same spells you'd usually use to lock or unlock a door, because they're specific to this door in particular. I've left a note on your beside table with the spells on, in case you forget. Oh! One last thing - remind me to give you a key. Some of the doors are always locked to stop my younger sisters from ambling in and wrecking havoc, so if you encounter a door that can be unlocked with the key feel free to go in. All the explicitly private rooms have no lock but spells instead."
Chandan took in a deep breath, and chided himself for basically talking non-stop. Without further ado, he added, "it's not locked at the moment," and indicated for Laylee to open the door herself if she so wished.
(Inside the room, Chandan knew, would be eloquent decorations, but not so much so that it was gaudy. He knew that it was a ocean blue mixed with mossy greens along the walls, which were elaborated in such a way that it seemed like the walls were soft to the touch. There would be an old, rustic desk with writing equipment and ample room for other belongings. There would be a mirror on a neat dressing table by, but not in front of, the window. The window would be airy but not draughty, with a view that would proudly show the back of the Manor and its large acres of fields, woodlands and a trickling stream that could just be seen by a large hedge that just hid the rest of the garden, though it would not from Chandan's attic-room. The curtains would be a creamy faded cyan, and the floor would be wooden with carpeted circles dotted around irregularly. The ceiling would be enchanted to look like stars, though they were not real. And the bed would be cushy and extremely soft with warm and furry blankets in case it got cold. Beside the bed on the beside table was a small, Christmassy-wrapped parcel and a note that held the spells for the door. It was perhaps a little over-done, but Chandan had wanted it to be as nice as possible for Laylee.)
__________________ ~You can't save me now, I'm broken
I'm torn, practically wide open~ DRAYGON REED
'"You call that a Dragon? Hah! My name is scarier then that lizard."' ... When Chandan leaves, Dray will come...
Last edited by LonelyLupin; 05-31-2009 at 12:15 PM.
Reason: Editing room description, lol :)