NeeNee Omniscient Omnipotent Pie Maker Quote:
Originally Posted by XanaSnape "Very well." Kazimeriz lowered his voice to a near-whisper, leaning in close enough to her to smell her perfume... mingled with the scent of pepper-up potion. Apparently she'd been handling the stuff so much that it had embedded itself in her pores. He raised an eyebrow, contemplating the ramifications of that for just a moment. He took a breath and sighed. SPOILER!!: What Kazi said to the Nurse
He cast Muffliato and then began to speak softly to her, his body language conveying that he was delivering very serious confidential information to her.
Perhaps the Slytherins had something to really worry about.
ooc: Whaaat, did you think we were just gonna give stuff away behind the cut? What was it about her that had people constantly in her bubble? Even senile old men were invading her space now. And… sniffing her? Did she smell? She did a quick turn-your-head-sniff-your-shoulder to check. Nope, pretty sure she didn’t smell. Except of Pepperup Potion, but what do you want?
Caroline raised her eyebrows at Kazimeriz’s explanation. Oh man! Cool! But how about tomorrow, when she’s slept a bit, and when the water was gone? Today? Really? Well alright.
“That’s… well, more complicated professor, but nothing Madam Kohan, and Professor Kapoor, and the Prefects and I can’t handle.” Inside her own head, she called Nurse Byron all kinds of very unflattering names for up and disappearing on her. So what if her kid brother thought the sun shined out of her butt? She wasn’t around to be very sunshiny now was she?
“If that’s everything, I’m going to assemble the prefects and head on up to my Hospital Wing,” she said moving away from him.
Let him amble after her if he wanted continue sniffing.
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