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"Okay class, everyone bring your nifflers to me, one at a time. When your finished, return to the center of the paddock and count up what you've found."
Sammy the Niffler in hand, Anna strolled from the back of the paddock to the front, where Professor Morgan was ready and waiting for the little nifflers to be brought safely back to her. She felt sort of sad returning the little guy (as she tended to get a bit close to animals) but with an owl, a crup, and a phoenix as pets already, Anna surely didn't need to bring home a niffler. When she approached Professor Morgan, Anna stopped for a moment to pet the fluffy lil guy in her hands, then she held the niffler out to the professor. "Sammy's quite the little coin catcher, Professor," she said, with a laugh. "We've enjoyed him."
That being done, Anna led Brant and Chloe to the center of the paddock to count the coins they'd retrieved. At last count, the group had made it to eighteen, but then again, Sammy had brought back quite a few items on his last run around the paddock. Anna carefully began to count the coins they'd dumped securely into their pouch. "One...two...three..."