Originally Posted by
Crystal Ball
Mari shook her head when Cayden said all he had done was be honest with Elizabeth. " I mean that you can be very...hurtful with your words sometimes." She said simply. She stopped walking and listened to him speak, giving him a slightly sarcastic glance when he said he would have liked to see her talk to Elizabeth. " I have to have someone to talk, don't I?" She said in a quiet voice. She didn't know what to tell him because on some level she knew he was right yet she also knew that Elizabeth was trying to maintain two friendships she valued; It wasn't her fault that Mari had chosen Cayden, that Mari had hurt Robert. She gave her friend that much. " No," She said firmly when Cayden said that she wouldn't admit that Elizabeth wasn't her friend. " She's my friend. If she wasn't, she wouldn't even talk to me after what happened. She's just having difficulty adjusting to this and I can't blame her." She wrapped her arms around herself more and moved to lean against a wall.
She looked away from him until he apologized and then she looked at him again. " I know it bothers you but thank you for not saying anything else right now." She moved off the wall as he spoke and she laughed a little. " I do now. Before? Not so much." She said honestly. " I'm either going soft or growing up , not quite sure which." She said with a slight smile. " I'm not sure...I just started walking. Is there anywhere you'd like to go?" She asked, reaching for his hand after a moment and looking up at him.
When she said she had to find someone to talk too. She was right. He would have to learn to do the same. He guessed she should let liz amuse her until the time came for them to part. He let her finish talking about how she was her friend as it was taking everything he had to not say anything. He wasnt suppose to say anything. He pulled out a candy from his pocket as he undid the wrapper. He stuck it into his mouth so he could keep it closed.
When she asked if their was any place he would like to go he shook his head at her." No particularly. It needs to rain." he told her as it would be nice to go outside again." I wondered what the forecast is for this week." he moved towards the window as it seemed like it was heading in that direction. Hopefully." Probably best if we stay inside." he shrugged at her as he returned a question at her." where would you like to go?"