Originally Posted by
PICK-UP call for
Echein & Sammazing Echein
I LOVE Alexz Johnson, so working with these was quite a joy. =] Guh, ABSOLUTELY adore that picture of her with the wavey hair and her hand on her chin. SO CUTE! :33 I hope they turned out well. Getting the profile pic to be pinkish was, initially, a challenge, but I think you'll like the way I've gone about it? :3
Let me know if anything needs to be changed or you want something tweaked! =]
I hooooope you like these.

I went with a summery theme and was expecting to be all bright and bluuue but... I think this REALLY works. For you, I made both a sig and a profile pic, so you can choose which you want. =] Also, I made the special siggy, too.

Let me know if anything needs to be tweaked or you have any changes in mind!
First and foremost, freeeeeeeeeeeedom is soo mineee! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. It seems to be soo beautiful *teaary eyed* Just one more week :3 ..
Asshlieeeer, the 'freedom' one is aaaaaaah-maaazin'. thaaankyou. thankyou thankyou. I knew I could count on you
and now ..
*Is in LOVE with it*

so so so veeeeeeeeery much.
AAAAH! .. *licks the rawry them*
You, my dear is ah-maaaazing
And you so love that piccie of Jared

*loves you*
Its PURFECT! Thankyou <3333