Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad What the older girl was saying, it didn't sound like a trick.. the old man was SCARY! He yelled at everyone, and he didn't look too friendly either! But the young Hufflepuff was still abit puzzled, unsure of what to believe. It wasn't making sense, not completely.. "But isn't the Headmaster.. the Headmaster? Can't he do something about it, how could he fall victum to the scary guy?" Katie asked as she pondered these questions herself, by all means thoroughly confused now. The Headmaster was ruler of the entire castle, he hired the Potions Master. Something wasn't right here, not right at all..
Katie looked up abruptly upon hearing the Headmaster was missing, her puzzlement washed away by fear that shown through her worried expression. He wasn't really missing, was he? He better be, because this wasn't funny! She was scared; not even considering the facts - how in the wizarding world could old man that walked with that cane stick thingy, carry a full grown man anywhere to lock him up? Unless of course, Lyra worded it wrong, but Katie wouldn't have noticed anyway. "I want to go home." mumbled the little girl, dark eyes traveling towards the staff table before she ducked her head, hiding behind the curls that fell forward with her swift motion.
When the older boy stopped coughing, she peeked up at him. She was beginning to doubt there was any chances these tales weren't real, the two were being so serious and quiet, obviously as not to get caught by mister grumpy SCARY man. No! That couldn't be true, the poor.. poor Gryffindor girl, so young.. tears began to swim in her dark orbs, her lip quivering with held back emotions. "WHAT!" The small girl cried, horrified by what she was hearing. Katie forgot to keep her voice down, "He's drowning the Headmaster?!" Ohh forget about not crying, she wanted to go home ALIVE, in human form!
Hiding her head in her arms, she exclaimed tearfully, "I don't want to be next, I don't want to be a pig or learn pig language! I want to go home!" though it was doubtful anyone could hear her properly, the words were muffled.
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed. |