Originally Posted by
Meh Reh
Karma smirked as the spell hit her opponent and watched as she wobbled around the room. Heeheeheeeeee.
Uh oh - Engorgio. Rather than hitting her head, Karma spun to prevent that, but jumped when the spell hit her in the worst place EVER. Riiiiight in the butt. It slightly burned, and Karma jumped.
"HOLY SNAPDRAGONS!!!" she yelled, jumping around.
Ahahahaha. Her butt was HUUUUGE. Even she couldn't help but laugh at it. Once it stopped growing, she had to sit down on her newly huge butt. Oh geez. This was turning into an interesting duel.
"Finite Incantantem.... haaaahahaha. Reducio.... hahaha."
Once she was over her little spell of laughter, she decided it was time to use her new found charm. She turned to the practice dummy, and raised her wand.
"Piertotum Locomotor," she said, and the statue sprung to life. She held her wand out to control the dummy and what it did. Ohh Karma's face was going to get stuck in the smirking position it was in.
Amanda couldn't help but laugh once the engorgement charm hit Karma in the butt, that was the most amusing sight that she had ever seen in a duel in the whole time that she was at Hogwarts. She calmed herself down ever so slightly to notice her opponent's next move, it was something that she hadn't seen before so it was time to improvise.
Aiming her wand at the now live dummy, she grinned slightly as she came up with what she was going to do now. "Incendio" She said, firing off the spell at the dummy.