Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight Quote:
Originally Posted by Suzypants Simone smiled at the look on his face and said, "C'mon lets go find us a niffler to follow." If she still had her earrings in should have snuck him one, but she listened to the instructions of the Professor. "What about that one that pounced on your first, he had a bit of white on his nose." She looked around for him and finally saw him amid the others. "Ah there he is!" She pointed towards him. Notcing a boy didnt have a partner she yelled out to him, "OI! You there. Want to join us?" She gave him a small smile and waved him over. Listening to the professor instructions she walked closer to the niffler they had picked out and waited for it to come to her. "Like this Jake watch him." She watched as the cute little thing scurried over to her. She picked it up swiftly, and cuddled it close. "Cute little bugger you are." Quote:
Originally Posted by Liisa Iliana took the earring from his hand and threw it in her charmed pouch. "You'll be lucky if I return this, you know." She said, but then... there was laughter in her voice. Seeing Jake being trampled WAS rather amusing and maybe punishment enough. Maybe.
Then suddenly, with the pouch in her hand, she remembered something important.
"OH CLASS!! Each of you need one of these pouches too. To keep your treasure in. I don't think it would be pretty if the ground became empty and your hands were not." She said, quickly passing a small charmed pouch to each team. Thankfully avoiding disaster. Gee! What was with her lately? Jake watched as everyone seemed to rush around, he blinked and regarded them. Silly people. Simone seemed to have picked a niffler, and they had a new partner. Maybe... if he decided to join them.
PROFESSOR MORGAN WAS MEEEEEEEEAN! "I'll need it back, or it'll heal over," Jake pointed out, taking one of the pouches she was handing out. SO THERE! Ya meanie bo-beanie! He should have brought more... but he only had that one. "So... you... kinda hafta give it back," he added, reaching up to his earringless ear before deciding he should get on with the lesson. Smirking a tad and toterly pushing his luck, Jake backed away.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |