The dungeons are temporarily unable to be inhabited, so you will serve your detention, here. In the Owlery. All the owls have been moved to a different locations, so the staff can have the troublemakers all to themselves. You approach a stand situated in front of several arches and can hear strange noises coming from behind them. Suddenly, there is an ear-piercing scream and the staff member behind you smiles, warmly. Welcome to Detention!
Here is where students come to be punished. Please post your arrival in this thread and you will be assigned a detention hall. Once you have been assigned a detention hall, post your arrival in that detention hall thread and a staff member will be there to instruct you, momentarily.
Please keep in mind the following, special, rules for detention:
Rule number one: Do NOT complain about being in detention. You are here for good reason and if you don't know why you are here, you obviously need to learn the rules and the proper way to behave at school. This is the perfect place to do that.
Rule number two: Please refrain from making ooc comments if at all possible.
Rule number three: Do not pester us to take you out of detention or complain when your detention is up and we haven't had a chance to take you out. Maybe you'll think twice next time. It is not our fault if you miss classes or Quidditch or can't post in the rest of the school!!
Rule number four: You must post in your assigned detention hall a couple times a day throughout the course of your detention to prove to us that you have actually shown up. (We understand there are circumstance where you may not be able to get online: the length of your detention is dependant on how many days you have actually posted. For example, if you are given two days of detention and you only post once a week, your detention will actually be for the two weeks it took you to post). A professor will give you instructions as to what you will be doing while here.
Rule number five: You must ONLY post in the detention hall assigned to you in this thread. If you are caught posting in detention halls you were not assigned to, your detention length will be increased.
Failure to abide by any of these rules may result in the professor extending your detention period.