♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Well it was a good thing he was a boy and didn't wear anything shiny.
Raiden moved slowly toward the area where class was to be held, double-checking his pockets. He was fairly sure there wasn't anything shiny on him; even if there was, where would he put it? He couldn't get into his dorm. Eh... Trying to forget about that for the moment, Raiden approached the professor and smiled at the sight of the furry thing in her arms. Hadn't she turned... Mr. Masterson into one of these last term?
How fluffy and awesome!
"Hello Professor Morgan," he said happily, giving a little wave to the creature. "Hiii furry thing. We get to learn about you in class today, are you excited?" |