Professor Morgan was in a glorious mood this morning as she exited her office door. With a flourish of her wand, she levitated a number of large wire cages, each of which contained 2 or 3 fluffy black creatures with long snouts and flat paws.
With the cages leading the way, Iliana headed down to the paddock. She carefully deposited the cages on the ground and then withdrew a small black pouch from her robes. With a flick of her wand, its contents were instantly deposited beneath the soil. Professor Morgan had instructed the class not to wear anything shiny; she sincerely hoped that they took heed of her advice, otherwise they were going to be in for an extremely interesting lesson.
There was still some time to before the class was due to start so the professor reached down and unlatched the cage closest to her, pulling out one of the black fluffy creatures and cradling it in her arms. Then she leaned up against the paddock fence and began stroking its head while she waited for the first of her students to arrive.
OOC: Class will start shortly, please make sure that you read the CoMC Classroom Rules before attending. I've updated them today in regards to this terms' lessons.