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Vindictus stood there, watching and listening as the entire scene unfolded before him. "You lot must have been affected by Professor Kazimeriz's class last term," he smirked and tapped his head. "Curses. Puh-lease! I'm gonna go find Peeves. That pesky poltergeist might be able to tell me something." He turned and walked out of the bathroom.
Kazimeriz's last lesson... Now which lesson was that? Rachel racked her brain as she attempted to remember when Professor Vindictus answered for her. Blinking, she watched him blow off their theories and leave the bathroom, in search for-- Wait. PEEVES? Is he out of his mind?! No one goes LOOKING for that thing unless they have a death wish and as far as she knew, Professor V. did not plan on giving up his spot as Quidditch official anytime soon.
Something's still fishy here... she thought to herself as she turned away from the door and back to the students present. She couldn't help but notice that she was the second youngest person in the room.
Hmm... Not fun. I hate being the youngest - at least Paris is a fourth year! She looked between the three sixth years, eyes lingering on the 'pair' she had noticed before just a second longer before making her way back to her book.
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"Well, I'm going to go, too." Taking one deep breath, and tucking her dark hair behind her ears as she did so. "I will see you all later." Offering Rachel a little friendly and somehow apologetic smile, and giving Dominic Denton a meaningful look, the girl headed for the door.
Yeah well, in this situation I didn't really expect you to linger much longer, Rachel answered Willow in her head, but only nodded as the sixth year announced her departure.
"See you, Willow," she said to the girl just as she stood up, and caught the apologetic look sent her way.
Yep, now I definitely know something's up. Why would Willow feel the need to smile apologetically at me unless something happened here that I wasn't supposed to know about? Rachel's eyebrows rose the teensiest bit at the Captain's retreating figure, and her eyes flicked over to Dominic as he too received a look - though somehow she doubted it was the same look she had been granted.
Later, later... Remember Narnia! Shaking her head, she surveyed the room one last time to make sure nothing was happening that demanded her attention, she grinned to herself and picked up the huge . Opening it to the right page, she took a deep breath and plunged headfirst into the story, almost instantly forgetting where she was.