Full Name: Rogue Katherine Narcissa Black
Nicknames: Katty, Cissy
Age: 14
Date of Birth: June 18, 2053
Place of Birth: Cairo, Egypt
Year: 4th
Blood: Pure
Nationality: British
Strongest Subjects: Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts
Weakest Subjects: History of Magic, Muggle Studies
Patronus: Large timber wolf
Wand: ebony, essence of dementer and pheonix tail feather, 12 inches
Personal Motto: Don't knock it 'til you try it
Eye color: violet
Hair color: changes with mood
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 110 lbs
when she is mad
when she is happy
when she is bored
also normal
Rogue was the result of a mistake love potion and one weird night. Her parents are Bellatrix Lestrange and Remus J. Lupin. She is a metamorphmagus, like her cousin Tonks. Her mother was taken back to Azkaban when she was just a few months old, she, in turn, went to live with her Aunt Andromeda, Uncle Teddy and her cousin Tonks. She has been treated just like another daughter/sister to them. She met her father in her third year.
Rogue has a rather "different" personality. She is quiet when people want her to be talkative and she is very talkative when people just want he to shut up. She is very random, hyper almost all the time. She does not trust easily, but she trusts you, it is like you now have a bodyguard. She is always loyal to her frineds and would never lie to them, she will always stand up for her friends as well. She will also stand up for what she believs in, even if she is standing alone.
Bat named Midnight
Puppy named Emmett.